alright. so just to let everyone who cares that doesn't already know.
i am now officially bozo the clown, or as omar likes to point out, a female carrot top. i "beattied" my hair last night and i am orange like a crayola crayon. what to do with this situation...i'm thinking i will streak it some other color and keep up with the motif. for the record: this is the first time that i fucked up my hair...this color anyway.
for the record again: i can't believe that i woke up, turned on my computer and am blogging. i could just talk to myself. i think that would be a shitload easier and take a lot less effort. from one viewpoint at least i am doing something productive with my unemployed day. but one can say that i am being a tekkie nerd jackass that goes one step beyond senile and types to talk to herself.
anyway...let's get on to the topic at hand shall we...
before my add gets carried away, dreams.
last night, or anywhere from 6:30 am to oh about 1 pm...:)
i dreamt:
that i went back to this place i have been interviewing at to get a job bartending. the people have been wasting my valuable time btw...and i was all dressed up and talking to a manager i haven't talked to before. i don't know what i was filling out, but i think it was the equivalent of a performance eval. even though i didn't work there at all, but was trying to. ok. so i talk and write a lot and at the bottom of the application i ran out of room and had to hurry up, well the bottom of the application was a towel and my ink from the pen came out all white and funny and i had to draw arrows up to the paper again to sign my name and put some other stuff...
yeah...and the dude i was talking to started talking to the employees and i was one of the gang! only better cause i wasn't wearing the uniform. i was wearing a black skirt, a burgundy top that looked suspiciously like the uniform everyone was wearing, and a black leather jacket. my "boss" told me to go grab 3 coffees, 2 milks, in to go cups, the huge ones, and like the bitch i am i run off. keep in mind i was there for an interview.
so...i hunt down the coffee area, and the coffee is in a huge barrel, like a barrel drum seen in breweries. heh, and i couldn't find huge cups. finally i spotted them, but they were up high and i started jumping like a midget trying to reach them. two chicks tha worked there came around and i asked if they liked working there. they said yeah, but getting coffee sucked. we bonded. then one of them told me i was dressed down for coming in to an interview and they probably wouldn't hire me. i was thinking, "bitch i'm all dressed up and getting the asshole coffee, he better hire me." i looked down and i'm in a sweatshirt, jeans, and a leather jacket. hmmm. suspicious. anyway. got the coffee into huge styrafoam cups and the fucking lids wouldnt close down. what to do. i have no idea, no closure...what does this mean? how can i apply this to my life...
moving on. so all of a sudden i'm outside and running with this pack of kids. freaky. then sheila is there and this old lady who appears to be a teacher. she's like, "we need to give the kids a chance to be one with the cheetah. they need to know what it's like to give chase and be hunted. only then with they know about the cheetah." um. and i guess the lady is the cheetah cause she is running like an ass at everybody who is running everywhere else around her. cut, end of scene.
i had more. i know it, but i was forced out of my slumber at 12 pm by my first phone call. then at 1ish by my second. don't people realize i sleep all day. fuckin-a. and it's for that reason that my blog isn't longer. blame the phone calls.
with that, i am going to post.
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