Friday, March 17, 2006

86 Razor

86 Razor
Originally uploaded by joy and pain.
I have to say, I was not prepared for the demise of my phone. After getting the message, "Insert SIM" for 2 days and despite all attempts to revive my POS, Cingular reps told me my phone was lost. I had every intention of walking into the store and getting a new SIM card and having that be the end of my worries/start of the hassle of trying to find phone numbers...So I was a bit miffed when I was told the phone was jacked and I'd need to get another one.

Long story short. I almost cried. I paid for upgraded shipping and was told I'd get the phone on Monday. Bah!

God or the lepprechauns (?) smiled down on me when I got a fed ex delivery at work new phone! Wow! So it's charging and I am hoping I am not jinxing myself by talking abt my good fortune. In abt 10 hours I'll know if I have a phone.

Other than that, my bosses started drinking Guinness at 10:30am. I am looking forward to one soon. Happy St. Pat's!


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