Wednesday, February 04, 2004

shit stains

o put dog shit on my jeans yesterday. and then he sniffled and sheila stood up for him because he was sick. but that doesn't take away from the fact that he took his foot and rubbed shit on me. this is not southpark. you may be hallucinating due to your impaired health, but we live in arlington and we were not painting walls with cartman. dammit. just wait till i find a nice cozy place to stash some dog crap. : )
oh and i retract the comment made yesterday in which i stated that i was upset that someone stole my internet connection...which wasn't really mine to begin with. that certain somebody gave me back the wonder of the world wide web and things are swell.

i worked so hard at work today and only spent roughly $16 to do it. i can't wait till i get paid.

so, here is my dilema. i sleep the same amount that i used to, but i can't remember the dreams because i can't lounge and "re-sleep" anymore now that i have a job. Resleeping is falling back to sleep because i have nothing else to do, like work and such. so i have no dreams to reveal.

"about last night"

last night i saw a bunch of friends from different circles, which is really cool. after hanging out i got a call from one of my roommates cause they needed a jump. turns out aaa stood him up and i had jumper cables and set out on my journey to help him. long story short, we could have died, because we were jumping the batt in the dark without any light source except my headlights, which couldn't face his car based on how it was parked. through trial and error, nothing worked...and then i drove to cvs and bought a flashlight. we rejumped and gave his car newfound life. it only took about an hour in the freezing cold. so...i learned that trial and error doesn't always work...and always have a flashlight in your car.

i'm going to go write my book now, so adios.


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