Friday, December 17, 2004

Chip Clone Found while Master is Hounded by Wrench Weilding Christians

Originally uploaded by joy and pain.

I stole this pic from someone. But it's a good shot of what could be my dog's clone. And it made me happy so I am sharing the wealth.

I hate mechanics. I hope that bit of Joy trivia doesn't create bad karma for me, but all I wanted today was a stupid oil change...In my quest for the perfect oil change I went to Craven...they seemed to offer a bunch of services pretty I went. Turns out they are a Christian organization that is trying to take me for all I'm worth. I have nothing against Christians. Most of you all know I was raised to be a devout one...but shit happens and I am pretty much devoit of sainthood at this point.
Their mission statement is to please God with a great quality of workmanship (according to the plaque on the wall)...that probably should have been a warning flag. I amuzed myself with the stack of pamphlets and Spanish/English version of the Bible piled up in the waiting room. Did you all know there is a Christian directory (Christian Yellow Pages) for Virginia? Wow. After waiting about TWO hours for my oil change package I find out I have 2 tires with nails in them and they are more than happy to install a new set for $469. All I wanted was a $20 oil change. Fuck. So I end up paying for half a set now so my tires won't blow when I'm driving around doing my heathenesque errands and will buy the second half after Christmas...The whole experience sucked over 3 hours from my life in which time they find more problems, including some holes in one of my lines...? My power and brake fluids need to be flushed, my radiator may have a leak...etc. etc. Total estimate, $1600. Is God working in mysterious ways through Craven? Do some of their earnings go to missionaries somewhere??? Is someone saving up on commission for a nice Godly Christmas? Did some devoted Born-Agains pound those nails into my tires themselves???
I am not amused. And I am not newly converted. Christian mechanic sweat shops aren't on my hot list of "places I want to spend my day off at" anymore.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi joy, your Chip Clone Found while Master is Hounded by Wrench Weilding Christians is very interesting. I was looking over the net for local gas prices information and if you are keen on getting some local gas prices information. Go to Cheers

8:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi joy, save yourself from Oil Barons. I was looking over the net for car gas mileage information and happen to find

2:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi joy, your Chip Clone Found while Master is Hounded by Wrench Weilding Christians is very interesting. I was looking over the net for crude oil information and if you are keen on getting some crude oil information. Go to Cheers

3:14 AM  

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