Burrito Slinger Looking at Options
Should I stay or should I go? I have no clue what I should do about work. I know I complain a lot, and I mean A LOT. And I know that I have been making it my life's mission lately to get Theo out of the restaurant, by fixing all his problems and taking over the GM position. BUT, am I going to get it officially, with the money and all? Cause for right now, I am doing most of the shit work and taking on all the stress without the green to back it up. Anyways...So should I pursue a job waiting tables??? And wait for a bartending position to open up? I am just going to wind up complaining about something else, cause I suck at seeing the roses. And whenever I leave a job based on not moving up to where I want to be, I find that if I stuck it out, things would have gotten better in time. So I don't want to dick out on work right now cause they really need the help, and their employees all come to me with problems and are waiting for me to fix stuff for them. I like that part of the job. I love having "employees" and want to make them happy and work with them and fix problems, etc. I'd feel like a major cop out by leaving when they are getting dicked over my Theo...but my worrying about them isn't paying my bills.
So, that's my current dilema. Should I stay, or should I go?
Someone come up with a great and elaborate story for my weekend too, cause all I did was help someone move for 2 days and when I get to work I am going to get a lot of questions about my drunken birthday madness (that never happened), so I need some help with that one. Anyway...microsoft paint pics to follow, soon.
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