Monday, October 18, 2004

Beattie Offered Hallmark Employment Due to Extreme Artistic Talent

Happy 29th, O!
Originally uploaded by joy and pain.
Although tonight was a peaceful birthday demonstration, we will take you out and make you drink until you turn green and possibly puke all over your shoes. You ditched the birthday plans last year, so it will happen this year if you like it or not. Preferably not, because then we can just take me out twice in a few weeks instead.
Happy Bday O, and thanks to your Mom for blessin us with the gift of all that is Omar. Cheers.


Blogger Cameltrooper said...

Wow. We all look like a family of french mimes.

5:52 PM  
Blogger adamraisedacain said...

kinda late and sorry 'bout it, but pass on a happy b-day anyway.
tanx joy.

7:19 AM  

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