Saturday, September 25, 2004

Bitter Burrito Slinger Amends her Stalker Plea

Ah. Work is starting to get political. I am getting more and more bitter as I find more things that piss me off. Last night I was told two of my favorite cashiers (who are just kids) were getting canned, and I wasn't given a reason. I got pissed and told the GM that I was leaving as I didn't want to be around one of the kids since I couldn't give him any info and I was so mad I wanted to punch the idiot GM. So I went next door and bugged Sheila and drank for like 5 hours. When I left to go home I passed the asswipe GM's car and spit on it, right in front of the dishwasher who was throwing out garbage. I was totally not suave about it either. Here's a little description.
Me: "Hi, Macario (dishwasher)!" I wave at him.
Macario: Wave, "Hola"
Me: "hoick, spat" (onto buttmuncher's car, parked right by the back door of the restaurant)
And I keep walking, as I turn the corner, there's the asshole and like 4 other employees. Woops. I don't know if he saw me, but he definitely heard me spittin. They all tried to talk to me, but I didn't look up or respond and got into my car and drove away. How's that for slick? I hate the asshole, and don't hide it anymore, so either his days or mine are limited at the restaurant. I'm gunning for me to be the one that goes. Oh and is it trailer park hick to spit on people's cars? It backfired on me once and I accidentally spit on I need more practice, but do I look like I am from the back woods by taking out my frustrations with spit? Should I take out some windows with a bat instead? I can create a new approach, I am flexible.
I went to pick up my check today and almost fainted with the massive amount of money I am making (EXTREME SARCASM that probably won't transmit over the internet to my internet diary). I saw Geoff (the only cool person that I manage with) was there and it's his birthday Sat, so I went over and had a few drinks with him at the Courts. I had a hidden agenda to get any info out of him over why the kids were getting canned and found out that a few more are on their way out as we are cleaning house apparently. I kinda want to go back to workin for the man and not being the man, if you know what I mean. Unless I have the power to fire the people who actually don't do their jobs and who I just plain don't like.
So, I found out that I have a few more stalkers at work. About 4 of the guys there have "crushes" on me and I am kicking myself for praying to God to send me some stalkers. When I asked for a man, it wasn't a handful of Hispanic ones named in this order, Miguel, Jose, Miguel #2, Adelio, Luis, and I think that's it. Good god I could turn into Sara from our Sine days who fucked the whole kitchen staff, if I get desperate enough. So I am creating an amendment to my prayer and askin for a hot stalker that speaks English and doesn't walk across the street to work from the Hispanic ghetto, call themselves Eses, or comb grease into their long hair. PLEASE send me a hot one. You can take back the others, thanks.


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