Frazzled Manager Destroys Mutant Cockroach in Suspicious Dining Incident
I can't think of anything all that exciting to talk about, so I am just going to give a run through of my day at work.
Rain. Rain. Rain. It ruined my hair, made us swarm with fruit flies and whatnot, kept business away for the most part, almost made me bust ass on the staircase, etc. etc. But whatever.
I had to reprimand people for slacking at work today. I think they think that I don't give a shit what they do...I totally felt like a Mom today trying to keep them inline. It sucked, because almost all of you know that I hate having that role in any way shape or form apply to me. But alas, I think it all worked out. But I am not leaving my soda cup/food lying out for anyone to spit in, just in case.
We (as in managers) have been trying to teach the crew at night to start breaking down and cleaning early so we can all get out pretty early and it has been working, they are finally starting to do it on their own without being told. We tell them to cut back on grilling meat, etc. as the night brings less people, and what not. Well we close the doors at 10pm, so almost everything was put away at 9:30, this one lonely guy comes in, hesitates...backs up, and starts to leave. He then turns around and comes back, hesitates again. I tell him, he can come talk to us and that we don't bite. He's all, "I know you don't, but I have 36 that do." I'm like...hmm. "You're a teacher, huh?" No response. He leaves and I just think he's a dork. Like 3 minutes later I tell the crew I'll be in the next room starting my inventory and I look up and there are 36 teens/20somethings in line....Keep in mind that the only person that is, um experienced, is me...and I'm fucking tired. And not in the mood to make all that food. It was kind of a disaster for 4 minutes, but worked out. I won't digress on it any further than we looked like deers caught in headlights and the pep talks about not making a shitload of food really didn't pan out well as we used it all and then some 10 minutes before we were supposed to close.
But the guys were pretty hot, so it was ok.
Ough, for the gross out story. I am jumping back and forth helping out on expediting the food for awhile tonight. I move down the line and hear a yelp from one of the ladies on the line. She freaks out and stops working...and I think she's burned herself, but she is surrounded by cold stuff. So there is no way...I ask her what's up and she squeeks out, "cockroach" EEEEEWWWWW. I totally didn't believe her. We sprayed for bugs and what the fuck would it be doing hanging out in the cold section of the restaurant, with major light, etc...But there are customers so I try to play it cool. I move stuff around and investigate and sure enough, there was one fucker crawling around in the sides of salsa (they were all individually wrapped, don't worry...but I threw them all out anyway). I jumped like 10 feet, so I wasn't really suave. And I am still mistified. It either was hanging out in the fridge (can they do that?) Or fell from the ceiling ? cause it landed on her neck...I am so glad I wasn't on expo at that very second...I am still creeped out so I am a major wuss.
The end.
haha too funny. when i was got off work last night those guys had come to the door of 4c and i guess figured it was too expensive. then when i left and passed ur burrito stand i saw them all chewing away contently at their tacos. they were a soccer team or something right?
i felt for ya man!
Dude. Way to come in to see me, dorkass. Some of them were cute though, I guess it was a fair trade.
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