Ice Queen Confronts Girly Man about his Obsession with Dancing
I think I may start drinking on the job. What fun is it to say that I am managing a taco stand after graduating college, if I don't have a drug habit or an alcohol addiction...wait a fall back on. Maybe if I started coke I'd be very excited to make burritos for the world and would be able to cope with Arlington's finest.
I felt like I was being watched all night, and that is probably because I was. The dude Jose is getting a little too close for comfort. I thought the butch haircut may have delivered a message that I am not interested (not that I am saying I am into women, I just am not into Hispanic men who roll a burrito like ass, whereas I am a champ. I mean, C'mon, if I can show you up in taco skills you have to be a retard). I'll update as the stalking progresses.
I got into another riff with Mr. Sensitive aka Charles the gay manager. He's not even cool gay, like I like em, but "I cry because the world oppresses me," gay.
Let me describe him before I go into any more details. He is like the human form of Grover. Only he takes everything, and I mean EVERYTHING to the extreme. He can't take criticism, assumes everything IS criticism, and probably cries at home at night. He hides out in the kitchen, and has an extreme fondness for making beans and rice. He is a close talker and likes to touch you when doing so. I am an ice queen, and want to breathe my own air, so I move backwards, sideways, anywhere away from a close talker, and he always comes closer. And he hates being called Charlie. I think I may start doing it, because it really does make him mad...either way, Charles or Charlie isn't all that hot of a name. No matter what he's talking about, whether it is that someone is choking on their blackened chicken burrito, or that the back kitchen is burning down, it will take 10 minutes for him to wrap up his part of the story. And the whole time he's talking I am thinking to myself, "Fucking A...this is like 10 minutes I will never get back and I would rather eat lead paint that listen to the rest of what he has to say." I think that about does it for the introductions.
I came into work 20 minutes early, WOW, and got breakfast next door. I didn't feel like sitting alone and I had a flashback of a school cafeteria scenario and saw him sitting all alone in the corner of the restaurant, with obvious barriers set up. He had his food all situated around him, he had a newspaper, and a book too. So I figured I'd go ruin his quiet lunch experience, for shits and giggles, and I found out some important info about his personal life that I am going to broadcast to all of you who probably don't give a shit:
He reads fantasy novels...and by fantasy novel I mean: he is now reading a shameless paperback novel about a modern day boy that finds out he is King Arthur and is chased by a motorcycle gang that wants to make sure the world doesn't realize his powers...ok. I asked about it and apparently it isn't as good as the other two books in the SERIES. Hmm.
He likes to dance. Oh really? What kind? Oh, I like a whole lot of dancing. I like swing, square dancing, and (can't remember the name, but it's an African dance that is popular in New Orleans...I swear that's how he described it)...So, do you dress up in costumes for these dances? Oh, I sometimes wear a nice shirt and tie...(I meant, like COSTUMES, like robes and such, but he didn't get it). His dances, especially the dance I can't pronounce, occurs in a gym room in Shady Grove, MD. Another dance session is in a converted amusement park...but he went into detail on how it's 3 times the size of our restaurant and much wider/longer...etc. (Oh boy.)
Apparently his idea of living it to the extreme was drinking wine with friends in Maryland while eating chips until 2am. But he won't be doing that any time soon, because it took a lot out of him. Fun stuff.
I think that's it. We aren't any closer than before. But I am pretty sure I ruinned his lunch as we don't get along and I yelled at him twice in the past. It made my day, so we'll see. I think he has the hots for this new kid named Colin. If I find them makin out in the cooler, I'll fill you all in. Colin looks like he likes to dance. I bet he'd lead. And it's pretty obvious Charles likes playin the bitch, so it all works out.
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Mike: There's a fine line between genius and idiocy in Fantasy, so I'm not sure if I should stick up for the guy or laugh too. All I know is that the Chronicles of Amber kick ass, but if I tried to describe it, the books would probably sound stupid.
No matter what this dude was reading, I'd still think he was a tool. We got into it like 3rd graders fighting for milk money later that day and he's dead to me. (I won)
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