Friday, February 06, 2004

dreams again

the dreams are back...

i dreamed that i was having dinner with some friends at a weird asian restaurant. we were there because one of the guys i was with was interested in the waitress. she sucked. i asked for pho (noodle soup) and was given a tiny pile of noodles instead. i asked her wear the soup was...and she walked away. i asked her when she came back and she said it wasn't on the menu. hmmm...then i asked for hoison sauce and was given a container of sour cream instead. so we were pretty pissed.

that part of the meal segued to one of the girls behind the counter. she was giving an interview (it was like i was behind the scenes for a tv interview) and was spinning (riding a stationary bike) on the beach. it turned out to be a girl i didn't like in high school. so it was weird. the interview implied that the girl in high school i knew was a big success.

the next one was a rich woman who lived in a huge house, but was in rehab because she took too many drugs. she was learning how to read in the dream and the chick turned out to be ally sheedy...from the breakfast club...heh.

so all the girls in the dream were aparently picked to run the asian restaurant for a new tv show and that's probably why the blond chick didn't know about anything on the menu...add in a washup that can't read and you have yourself a knockout show.

next...i was flying. i was out with my father in this dream, but other people there were friends and stuff, it was kind of confusing. so we were back at the lake we used to go to in the summer, but it was way more glamorous and really pretty. it was a completely different lake/area. we were water skiing, but ended up flying. hah, it was totally weird. but really cool. and i don't remember the rest, except we started and landed in water and it freaked me out when i woke up.

there were more, but i only remember fragments. i was at home again and my sister was with me, we were living in a totally different house and had roommates, but were hanging out without them. it was dark, and there were candles lit in rooms that were empty, which freaked me out (someone else was in the house)...dun dun dun...

and in another one, one of my roommates was perry ferrell, or a guy just like him. he was in some kind of trouble and was moving out and i didn't want him to leave. that and some of the other people there were guys i went to high school with.

all of last night's dreams had old friends and people i don't see much was pretty cool.


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