Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Beattie's Dreams Return in Full Force

Dreams are back. And weird dreams at that. I have had an issue with sleeping lately. When I say that, I mean that I can't sleep until the wee hours of the morning because my mighty brain just keeps on chugging. When I do fall asleep or want to sleep, it is when normal people are doing normal things. And I love taking naps and have no issues with sleeping all day. There is a problem with me.
So, segueing into dreams (is that how you spell segueing?)...I dreamed a lot of weird stuff last night, but my personal favorite, which is the only one I'll mention, dealt with my family. My brothers and my father were in the dream and we were at my grandmother's house where my father grew up. We were all sitting watching tv, and my roommate O was there with some friends (odd). My brother (in real life) plays football for the Gophers and I am really proud of it and don't shut my trap about it. So...I'm talking about him and all of a sudden there's a commercial on tv and Donny (brother) is dressed in his football uniform and dressed in a kiddy dinosaur costume (think Barney) and is dancing around in a cereal commercial. And I freak out and am like, DUDE, that's my brother! He's on tv. He's so cool. I am really weird about his great acting abilities as a dinosaur and don't realize he's in the living room with me. Then Doug, Donny, and I start throwing random shit at each other. O and everyone else was not impressed with Donny's fame. I was.
And with that I am going to spend my day off with all the kids that are off of school because of the mounds of snow we just got! It's sunny and not a damn mound of snow in sight. Ah, Virginia.


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