U2 Rocks!
In a landslide victory, I won over the man to go see U2 last night! Actually the man helped me out when I was at the end of my rope. It was such a great show and I'm so unbelievably happy I got to go.
I got tickets (from my very generous boss) way last minute and tried to no avail to get off work at the bar. Sigh. I called everyone and their mother and got the go ahead from our GM (THANK YOU) 4 hours before show time. I was so happy. I probably got three gray hairs trying to work everything out. I guess I could have just lied to everyone and said I was sick. But Mama raised me better. Although my parents both told me I was an idiot to have told them about the concert at all. "Just call out sick!" Fun stuff. Thanks, guys. The show kicked some serious ass. We went out for drinks earlier (and after) and had a brilliant time. I am still sort of spinning over the fact I got to go. From the get go I was sitting on the sidelines all up in smoke about the price and unavailability of tickets. I guess I won the lottery for a day.
In other news. I am eating a salad with raw mushrooms (as opposed to cooked...in a salad.) and it blows. I'm not a big fan of the raw mushrooms.
In about 3 hours I will be on the road to go see The Bravery with my band BFF. I can technically be called a groupie as this is the second time I've seen them and I am taking a veri-mini road trip to do so.
I'm excited!
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