Monday, November 07, 2005

It's all Downhill from Here.

Originally uploaded by joy and pain.
I am officially one year older. Blah.
Thanks to Chris, I am now in the know about the fact that I am in my late twenties. Bastard.
It's all I can think about when I think about my birthday. What a wonderful feeling.
Aside from working yesterday, my birthday wasn't all that bad. Thanks for a lovely dinner, K. Although the morning was a bit shady. It was a struggle making it to work today. But I am here and blogging, so I am as efficient as ever.
I have a stack of birthday cards in my bag I have to open and a new camera yet to buy. I think I am going to make this a birthday week and do a little bit at a time.
Philadelphia was so much fun.
I want to go back and help really bad, but am stuck in DC this week.
I worked hard every day, but got to have dinner and drinks and chill with my bosses every night, which was really fun. I witnessed the SEPTA strike first hand...not so fun. Especially on my train home, what a mad house!
Philly has some cool restaurants and bars, and the shopping is pretty cool too. It's like Georgetown all over actually. Although the ghetto is definitely G-H-E-T-T-O. One restaurant we went to was awesome...a bit like Two Amys. We had great food and it was BYOB!
Couldn't believe it. So we hoofed it across the street and bought a ton of beer and drank it in the restaurant. So weird...they had to have a license for BYOB, so why not go all the way and have liquor/beer available? And it was cash only...heh. Fun times.
And with that lovely story, this old lady is going to get back to work.


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