Friday, November 11, 2005

You Need a COCKtail.

Originally uploaded by joy and pain.
Ah, gotta love drunk assholes. Drunk, stupid assholes.
We were busy last night, which was a very nice change as a high headcount lines my wallet. We were blessed (cough) with a bunch of hoity toities last night who appeared to be mentally challenged. At one point a group of 7 tried to sit at a two-top. For those of you that aren't in the know on two-tops. They seat TWO people. You'd think the big tip off to this bright group would be the tiny ass table and two chairs. But no! That did not deter them from trying to squeeze their butts inbetween surrounding tables and move chairs all over the place to get their party cozy at the two-top. (Keep in mind, the whole place was full of nutzos doing the same thing...)
I moved them when a larger table (for 5) became available. And for the rest of the night they stood in the aisle and got in my way. They also doubled in size. Telling 14 people to move every time you want to walk through the restaurant with your arms full of drinks/glasses/plates gets a little old. And I stopped smiling and saying excuse me every time I tried to get past. I soon resorted to poking shoulders and lightly pushing my way through. Comments started flying about how I was rude, etc. At one point this dude was like, "If she grabs me one more time..." (I never grabbed, but man, maybe I should if that's how they view it...) Keep in mind I am one person away when I hear this. And it's a sausage fest, so it's obviously me they are talking about. All I have to turn around and I'm in his face...and I ask if he has a problem. Yes he does. Ok, well, considering before you planted yourself here, in the aisle, I told you all to have a seat and that we needed to keep this area clear. Not only is it a fire hazard, but we need to work. And customers are trying to get through as well. No comment. So maybe you had better just sit down.
I hear through the other servers that they said I was mean and needed a COCKtail.
I haven't posted a bitter waitress rant in awhile, so here it is. But it made my night to find out they were neurosurgeons.

I hope I never develop a brain tumor.


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