Fridays are for Winners

I was driving with the windows down, excited to be on my way home to start the weekend. Plans include drinking with the college buddies and watching a kick ass burlesque group, Trixie Little, when...Ka-chunk. KA-CHUNK! Then I loose control of steering. It's a good think I just crossed over Memorial Bridge and stopped shy of the Rock Creek Parkway, or I would most likely have ended up in the ditch or oncoming traffic. I pulled over and proceeded to freak out. Then I hear hissing and see smoke and antifreeze. Not good. No one stops. For a good hour.
After it cools down, I eventually get back in and drive it to a gas station by the Watergate and wait for my tow truck. I proceed to see another Explorer on a tow truck pulling away and imagine the wrong one got towed. That'd be great to go outside to not have a car, only to discover they towed the wrong one. That would mean someone else had a craptacular Friday night on their hands and I was not alone.
I was rescued by Kaseem, who adamently told me the, "Non accident = $65 minimum, $100 maximum" painted on the side of his tow truck didn't apply to me. Ok. $160 later and I wave goodbye to my truck.
This morning I find out the truck never made it to the shop last night and was delivered this afternoon. That's a great feeling. I'm crossing my fingers and thanking God I wasn't in an accident with diplomats and tourists looking at the pink trees.
In other news, it's up in the air as to whether I am "fired" or "on call" at the bar. That's also a good feeling. My attempt to rescue a fellow server who works too much was denied this morning and all attempts at getting an answer from management are going no where. Fun times! I guess that means God wants me to sleep in all week! It's a done deal.
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