Friday, June 30, 2006

Coffee and Crack make it all Better

Was that last blurb a bit much? Lo siento, but I was inspired to drink a shot of GM...something I swore off in April.
I'm officially over the fritatta. It's good and all...but everyone needs options. Mine are tortilla chips or ketchup or fritatta. I've been choosing the fritatta, but it's getting old.
My neighboorhood is turning ghetto again for anyone that is interested in knowing. I woke up at 3am in a cold sweat (that turned into a hot sweat b/c yours truly forgot to turn back on her AC unit after microwaving her fritatta...for anyone that doesn't know: I live in the ghetto and an old ass, but cool, apartment and I blow fuses whenever I blow dry my hair or watch tv, or use the microwave while my AC is on, or when anything is really on.) So...I woke up to really, really hard knocking and some yelling downstairs. I guess the new neighbors now hate each other, and I was able to experience being in a relationship again through them, excellent. The honeymoon is pretty much over as soon as you try to move into a 500 sq. foot apartment together. Then some ahole kept backing up their big ass truck for a good 3 hours (probably just one) and their warning beep was the same sound as my alarm. That was awesome! I think I snoozed 8 times before realizing the truck and my alarm were two different things. It'll all be better with a shitload of coffee. Yay!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


oh! hello, is that you Joy?
Guess what, I'm going to India!

7:53 AM  

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