Parton and Stalone Amaze the Masses

Long time no post. I know. I have had a lot of memorable moments too, but they are going to have to wait until the epic novel of my life to come out to the public. And by public I mean everyone that I have not blabbed my life story to already. Aside from falling in love (sigh)
I have been busy working. I'm back at the Irish pub. While the work load is something to be desired (it's not like I sleep anyway...) I am 2 shifts away from making my rent. So, in other words, "I'm rich, bitch!"
Not really, but it's nice. So I'm flipping through tv last night...deleting my filled up Tivo, cause I'm never home...and I stumble across some quality programing. RHINESTONE. Who knew a talented actor like Sylvester...would get to gether with a talented musician...Dolly Parton.
I think I am going to start my Christmas list early this year. If there is a sequel I want it too! And if anyone knows of a soundtrack or movie posters, don't you keep me in the dark!
Ough. Can you imagine any love scenes? With his "accent" and her boobs and fro. That'd be too much for me to handle.
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