That What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger?

Is it true what they say, that spinach is one of the best things for you? The scare that has killed one believer in Wisconsin has me thinking I'd rather reach for a Snickers bar. What about salads that have spinach mixed in? If that's the case, I may be in for it. I had salad mix with spinach (and ruinned it with cheese and croutons) last night in order to be healthy. No more attempts at healthy living from me!
"We're telling people if they have bagged produce and they feel like it's a risk, throw it out," Michigan Department of Community Health spokesman T.J. Bucholz said. "If they feel like they have to eat it, wash it first in warm water."
Can you imagine being that hard up for spinach that you don't want to throw away a $3 bag so that you can risk the shits and possibly impending death (by spinach)? I guess the Darwin awards would go to anyone that actually thought about this and proceeded to eat it. I know my life is worth much more, even to the point of a $5 6pack.
Is this poop tainted batch of spinach Popeye's kryptonite? What a way to go.
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