Rowdy Iranian Boys = A Surprisingly Good Time

The Red & the Black dragged me out of my hobbit hole after a long week/end of work. I'm glad I made the trip since I had a chance to see Hypernova this Sun night. I stumbled across the band and the many positive reviews just sort of screamed, "GO!" and I caved. I walked into the bar to see 4 skinny Iranian looking hipsters sitting at the front table. Who looked not too surprisingly, like the pic above. Only clearer because I was sober as a judge.
There was a surprise opener consisting of a handful of high school boys (the name of the band is escaping me...sorry guys.) Their parents were ROCKING. I'm telling you, it must have been a fun ride home in the minivan that night.
Hypernova is very good. They reminded me a bit of Interpol smushed with the Editors with a tiny bit of Madrugada anger thrown in for good measure. Nothing like a passionately riled up Iranian band to get you going. They wore the skinny jeans and tossed their hair (most of them did). It sort of made me want to see them lined up with Monotonix. But that could throw me over the edge...
Alright, upcoming shows if I can get my tail out of work:
My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult - DC9 - 9/28 (c''s worth it just for the people watching...)
* Pinback - Black Cat - 10/01
* Fleet Foxes - Black Cat - 10/03
* Nick Cave - 9:30 - 10/06
* Hot Chip - 9:30 - 10/08
Of Montreal - 9:30 - 10/9
It's going to be a fun October!
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