last night was awesome
i had a lot of cool dreams last night and i woke up earlier than normal, which is weird (12:30).
in one of them, i was in the old family van with my sister, and my mom and dad. we were going on a trip to get parts for a car, which turned out to be my explorer. and we were towing a trailer! haha. i hate camping, but apparently that's what we were in the process of doing. i remember i had to rearrange some stuff in the back seat and i was so proud of myself when i was done. i moved the cooler and some other stuff so the sun wouldn't get it, etc. i was so pleased with my efforts i asked dad to take a look. so he gets out of the driver's seat (i think we were still driving too) and he said it looked good, and we could watch tv while he was gone since we did a good job.
next phase, all of a sudden dad's gone to get a part and we are in the middle of hicksville. mom is in the front seat and my sister and i are in the back. then we see this weird lady trying to get into this tiny convenience store. and all around us are hispanic day laborers...we were in the ghetto of whatever town we were in. i teleported myself into the store with my mom and sister and we are looking around and everything was pretty much looted. it was like we were watching a news story or i could see the past too, because i was able to see that the lady was trying to get food cause she was starving, but the store kept giving her spoiled food that the bees were getting into...and the lady kept saying that the bees were sick and smelled funny. i asked mom if we should give the lady some food. she said no.
so we went outside. and i was going to go back to the car, but there was this hispanic guy leaning on our trailer! fucker! and he was on his phone, right by our door and i freaked out. i told mom and my sister to get into the car and i was going to go in the trailer. so, i went into the trailer and my dog, Chip, was there! how cool. so we hung out in the trailer and i locked the door so the dude couldn't get in.
all of a sudden there was banging at the door, and my sister was there trying to get in, yelling at me to get my attention. she was completely different than real life, she was older, blonde, and was wearing a skanky outfit =), but it was her just the same. she was freaking out and was holding out her hands to me, telling me to smell her because that was what sick bees smelled like. ???
so Chip, my sister, and i went back to my mom and got in the car. the day laborer gave me a dirty look as he walked away from the trailer.
we called my dad and told him to come back because we were in a freaky ghetto with weird people and sick smelly bees.
all of a sudden we see this huge ghetto cemetery, right next to us on the other side of the street. it's blocked by a big ghetto chain fence. and there are groups of mexicans riding over graves down the huge hill on makeshift sleds with wheels. and all of a sudden our family (with our dog) is one of the groups on the was so weird. and that is all i remember.
my consensus of the dream: there were killer bees in the ghetto town. maybe the only people that were immune to the smelly killer bees were the mexicans...because they were really the only people there. the lady in the store was sick because the bees were getting her and she was eating food tainted by the bees...and the huge ghetto grave yard took up half the town...i smell an awesome plot for a new horror movie. Killer Smelly Bees no?
alright, a break in the whole dream sequence thing. i am IMing my sister, which is a rare occurence since she has a life. and i told her that i dreamed about her last night and would give her my site address when i am done typing and her response, "geeze joy, you're a nerd." i promptly told her to fuck off and then said that blogging is...normal. and she retorted, " loser. send me the link when you're done. im gonna watch tv."
she's just jealous.
my other dream was really detailed too, but i'll save anyone that is reading this the horror of reading through another long dream sequence: i was running away from something and was into aliases. i kept changing my look to get away and was in a seedy motel for most of the dream. it was really long and try as i might i couldn't escape this weird guy that was chasing me. but at least he didn't smell and wasn't a sick bee.
i'm out.
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