summers is still afloat. but not for long.
i had a ton of weird psycho dreams last night/this many that i shut my alarm off twice and overslept. in one of them i had a kid with my freaky ex and the kid was asian...and she was the girl in the ADD PSA on television that says you need to be a healthy mom to have a healthy the commercial the kid can't sing the itsy bitsy spider song because she is retarded (just stupid, but she looks retarded). the commercial implies that she is dumb because her mom didn't take care of herself during the pregnancy. hmm...and if this is foreshadowing, i'm going to have some retard children. after that enlightenment the dream continued that my ex and i were fighting to get custody of the kid. his current girlfriend was there and they wanted to take her from me. i left her in the car while fighting with them and we were fighting in my grandmother's house in wisconsin, which was weird. when i went outside to get the kid, she was gone. so not only is my kid retarded, but i lost her.
then i was on this trip with people i know in real life (from my past) but i couldn't place them. we were walking all over campus and it was a setting that has been repeated in past dreams, which was weird. we were sort of on a relay and i was so close to getting to the "winning" position, but i have a weird feeling i didn't make it.
and then i had one of the sooooo horrible dreams that i was bartending and couldn't make the drinks fast enough. ones where i wake up in a sweat thinking, "did i give that guy silverware??? shit, i forgot to give him mustard....does she need another Miller Lite???" I HATE MY JOB.
i honestly think i am going to quit tomorrow, which is horrible considering i've only worked there about 3 weeks. i don't ever want to be in that place again. i spit on you, summers!!!
i'd write more about my dreams, but i can't remember them. i had a bunch, but they were lost in today's episodes of excitement and i'm frankly surprised that i remember as much as i did, and with that i am going to bed in hopes that i have sweet dreams of torching the hell hole i call summers.
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