ok...so i have a lot to make up so i'll try to make it worthwhile...here's what i accomplished today:
i got a bloody knee...
i confirmed my brother is not gay...
i got a new job...at an official dive bar...
before all that happened i had some whacked dreams...i haven't been able to sleep very well lately and wake up a bunch of times for the 3 hours before my alarm goes off...i finally fall asleep about a half hour before my alarm goes off...and end up "snoozing" and make it to work in time, but alas, don't blog the dreams before i forget them.
whacked dream: i was at church again...it was the psycho born again christian church i went to when growing up. i was running into the church from the parking lot and couldn't figure out what sandals to wear. they were really cute, and i had to choose between strappy red and strappy black sandals, but i didn't want to call attention to my toes, because the nails weren't painted...hmm...and i saw my mom, and some other family members that i know...and can't remember...
i remember waking up a bunch and getting all pissed off, i was so fucking hot! and threw off the covers to wake up 20 minutes later all pissed off cause i couldn't find my blankets and i was cold...etc...etc and then my alarm went off.
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