Thursday, February 19, 2004

dreams are back!

ok i have to get ready for work, so i am going to try to be quick...
in one dream i bought these cool, hard to find posters for o and i was so excited about it, because it was something he'd really like. i told sheila about them and she agreed that he'd like them. he finally came home (we were still living together, but the house was different) and he was apathetic and it turned out he already had one of the posters...i was pissed. end of scene.

next sheila and i were in a computer lab thing and teachers (who were really young) came in. we were in a testing area apparently. sheila was so nervous; she had to put a collection of photos together. a friend of mine, shannon, was also in the dream. she let all of us stay at her house one night and gave us the pics. then her fiance came home and was sorta pissed we were all there...weird. ok, so sheila finished her project and while she was working, i was taking my own test. i was speedy about it too, i finished in seven minutes, when it should have taken a B, but have no clue what it was about.

then sheila and i are walking down a huge, empty street and it's really dark. there's snow and slush everywhere and cars are parked on the street, but no one is around. i told her that this is how i kept dreaming the end of the world would be, and it was very apoctalyptic. she thought i was weird. then this girl picked us up in a cab and said she'd drive us where we wanted to go. all of a sudden bandit is with us. the woman said she had errands to run so she wouldn't charge us the fare since we went along with her and they were far away from where we were going. when she said this i was opening a pack of colored pencils i had when i was a kid. we ended up driving down Arlington Ridge, but the street never ended. sheila and i started playing this game: we'd take 3 houses right next to each other and pick the one we wanted to live in. the houses were still huge, but different from what is really there. and while we were driving, the cab driver was in the back seat with us and ended up not driving the cab...?

all of us end up at a bar that looks a lot like the 4 Courts. we meet up and the group keeps getting bigger and bigger. i suggest that we should get a table because it's important that i talk to o about painting our place.

and it doesn't end there! but it's too scrambled and i need to shower and need coffee for work, so i'm audi 5000.


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