blogs galore!
well, it's has officially screwed up my sleeping schedule. i used to sleep the day away and now i wake up at normal hours on the weekends when i should be sleeping until 2 or 3 in the afternoon...i am a little ashamed that my body is taking to a normal routine. i get tired around 2 or 3 am now, instead of 4 or 5 in the morning...i'm not good with change.
i have been waking up a bunch of times in my sleep, however, which means i have more dreams to ramble about.
most of the dreams last night were about my family. it was weird because there would be certain objects in the dream that belong to my family or me in the past, but all the settings were new.
in the first dream i remember, i was trying to drive home (virginia) from some unknown location, i can only assume it's wisconsin. i was with my father, stepmom, and brothers and at one point i was leaving home and at another they were in my tiny mitsubishi eclipse with me. i remember i never drove that far alone before and didn't have a map, but all of a sudden i saw a sign for I95 and i got all excited because i had to be going the right way. then the road stopped and there were mud hills everywhere and what appeared to be a road carved out of mud and a pretty big dropoff. i tried to drive on the curved mud "road" but fell off part of the way. my father yelled at me and i told him the road disappeared, there was nothing i could do about it. the car behind me was pissed cause he couldn't get around and he kept beeping. then all of a sudden this plow that was moving dirt came up to us and plowed me back on the dirt road. i was all excited, but then my car wouldn't turn, the wheel was stuck. i told my dad and he explained that my car wouldn't turn because the tow truck pushed me by my wheel and messed up the axle...he told me to remember when i was in my car accident and my car wouldn't move afterwards so i couldn't move it off the street, and that this was the same thing, essentially.
so we were screwed and i was so upset because my car was pretty much dead. the only other part of the dream i remember is sleeping over at my father's house again, but it was a different house than the one i went to growing up. i remember sleeping on the tiniest bed alive (which i had when i visited) and that's it.
next dream, i remember shopping in the mall for my "boyfriend." i remember smelling colognes, etc. it was weird. then i am at the house with my family where i grew up. i remember feeling so happy being with everyone. then all of a sudden doug and jenna had a riff with my parents and they decided they weren't going to celebrate christmas with them. so i am in a different house with my brother and sister and i am trying to be a mediater and get them to hang out together, but doug was pretty adament about staying on his own. and i remember the tree didn't have any ornaments on it, but there were a ton of presents. i wrapped one for jenna and it had bubble wrap all over it...i thought it was the coolest thing, but she didn't really care. there were bums hanging out there too, because doug invited anyone to come over. then all of a sudden mom and dad and the dogs come over. no one is fighting at all and the living room all of a sudden changes. i remember i couldn't breathe normally and was sniffing a lot. one of our dogs was still a puppy and was really tiny so my dad kept yelling that we needed to be careful of him. one of my toys was a gun that shot out little foam discs and i started shooting them off and the pup got all excited, but couldn't get any of the discs. it was weird, my mom didn't say a word the whole time. i woke up from that one and couldn't breathe, my nose was all stuffed.
the dream before that my mom and i were hanging out in my bedroom. i was getting ready in the bathroom and all of a sudden there was an extra floor mat and seat cover that didn't match my bathroom. i told her to give it to doug, since his bathroom was probably empty. although the mats were totally girly. they were a weird teal with pink palm trees on it. i came out of the bathroom and my mom was in her bathrobe lying on the floor doing a crossword puzzle. there were candles all around the book and the wax was melting into the carpet. i freaked out and moved the candles.
that's all i really remember...
last night's from thursday were insane. i'll sumarize since i don't remember all of them and this is a long ass blog...
my brother and i were trying to impress my father. we were in minnesota where we used to go in the summers and were hanging out at the lake we went to as kids. there were a bunch of outdoor pizza restaurants and people were making the pizzas on the ground. my brother tried too and had all these crusts all over like a little assembly line. he messed up from there. he put the cheese on first and then the sauce, etc. so i tried to help him.
then we were all hanging out on the dock on our lake...and my brother was making a sandwhich for my father, but again he messed it up. he would smash the bread when he was done making the sandwhich, so it looked like ass. we were getting ready for the superbowl. all of a sudden we were in a car on the dock and this big projection screen came out of the sky and we watched the game while on the was really odd.
then i was on a beach at another lake and everyone was running away from the water. it got really dark and started to rain and i had to rescue all of my stuff which was sitting at the bottom of the lake apparently. my phone, and some clothes, etc were all in the lake. people told me i was crazy to go in the water, but i went and got all my stuff and hightailed it out of there.
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