miss me?
here is the long awaited post...i can't remember many dreams lately since i am constantly woken up by the damn alarm! and it isn't mine! a note to the mysterious alarm that magically goes off in the godforsaken hours before i need to get up: shut it off, dammit. if it happens again i think i'll call you and wake you up and tell you to turn it off!
i do remember, however, one of the dreams last night...it goes a little something like this: i was in a commune-like setting. i was surrounded by people i knew, but i couldn't place them in my real life...except for sheila and her parents, who were there. and the place we were hanging out is somewhere i've been before. in real life about 6 years ago, i stayed at a friend's house in boulder, co...and was only there for about a week. the commune scenario takes place in the friend's apartment...anyway i remember sheila and i were in a huge rush; we were on our way to work. we were getting dressed and i realized after i was supposedly all set to go, that i forgot to put on underwear. problem. everyone was leaving together (that was the general feeling at the time, leading up to my sense of panic!) i didn't want to strip in front of everyone, so i tried to get to the bathroom. i finally made it in, found my underwear, and tried to put it on. then people kept trying to get in the door. i remember sheila opened it and stuck her head in and i hid behind something and was acting like i was just hanging out...wearing underwear like everyone else. like she would have known just by looking at me...i was in the clear! i was so weirded out by the situation. and there was no solution at the end of the dream! was i found out?
another reason why i have neglected my blog is that i've been coming home the last couple of nights sooooo drunk and tired that i go right to sleep. it would be too much effort to type! and i have sheila's parents to thank for that. i couldn't keep up and can't imagine how they got by the days after our drinking binges...i love hanging out with them and am so glad they adopted me for the week.
end of blog...to my faithful 3 (?) readers...was it worth the wait???
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