i got the best parking spot last night, it was pretty close to the main strip we were going to be hanging out at, it was on a crowded street, the parallel parking was perfect. walked out to the car hours later and there was a damn parking ticket on it. :( the no parking sign was all bent up and at the front of the street, blocked by a tree, etc. beaten by the man again!
so, i went to bed having to pee and i was wondering if everyone does that at some point, or if i am just truly lazy. i was so tired and my bed looked so warm, i jumped in and had to pee all night.
in the first dream i remembered i was at this festival that was help at cap city (this bar i used to work) and the bar was morphed into my old church...it was a combination of buildings. i had to pee (go figure) and was in line for the bathroom. there were dividers and roped off sections of the line, just like at amusement parks, which is a first for the bar...and when i got into the bathroom, it was so huge. the stalls had wooden doors and sides with blinds that could be opened, which was weird, and some of the stalls had 2 toilets in each...which grossed me out.
at one point i was peeing and there were 4 ladies next to me in the same stall. they were all old and one of their heads was up over the divider in my stall, so i slapped her. she got all pissed off and i told her her head shouldn't be in my stall. she said she wasn't watching me, it was crowded in her stall and i told her that i had an issue with people watching me pee.
then i went outside and my family was waiting in line for food. my dad was wearing this courdoroy/velvet (i couldn't tell) striped suit. it was striped, but all one color...he looked like a pimp. no one else was dressed up that i can remember. so my mom and dad got salmon sandwhiches (at a festival?!?) my mom took one bite and was grossed out, but didn't say anything to the fish-cookers...she kept eating it.
aparently there was a contest going on at the end of the festival. i had friends that kept coming up to me and hugging me and i was trying to show off for the guy that was announcing the singers on stage. this one friend that hugged me (was hot) and he said someone stole the words to his song...so he was going to sing a recipe instead. i told him he was going to win!
the chicken guy (the guy who was selling chicken sandwhiches) is the guy that stole the music, so my brother, sister, and i had nothing we wanted to eat. we settled on hamburgers. my cousin and aunt were serving them; they have been in my last couple of dreams...
next dream: i was raiding this school with two friends of mine. it was in the middle of no where and apparently one of the friends really wanted to go there. we were running down a staircase, and all of a sudden, in the middle of two floors there was this piano set up, with glasses of wine, and food all over the landing. this messed up our "running away" plan because we had to step over everything to avoid a huge noise and mess. we made it, and ended up in a huge cafeteria. i was trying to convince my friend that it was still a cool school...and then we are running out of it. the school is in a huge field in the middle of no where and there is a dirt road perpendicular to it that goes on forever. there is one more building that had a glass top floor. the faculty were sitting around a huge table eating. they were all dressed up and looked really evil. this one lady that we knew, apparently, got up from the table and peered down at us. then there was a fire or a tornado or something because it got all black outside and dark low clouds were everywhere and we ran the hell away from there. it reminded me of "Return to Oz"
and then i woke up and peed.
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