i had so many weird dreams last night...
in one i was at my family's cabin on the lake we used to go to as kids. i was sitting on the dock eating a sandwhich and it fell in the water. all of a sudden this duck swam over and grabbed it and was fighting with it. i was laying on the dock with my feet in the water and my uncle was like, "i wouldn't lay like that if i were you" and pointed at my feet. there was this really weird jelly like substance coming up out of the water by my toes. it got bigger and bigger and jumped up on the dock. it was a person all covered in goo. my uncle told me they were the new jelly fish and i should stay away from them. i pushed it back in the water. it was weird while the man/jelly fish was chasing me his life story was being told out loud like a tv program. then he disappeared.
in another one i was hanging out with my family. i was sharing a room with my sister again and she had some awesome flowers that were dying, so i cut the ends and put some wine in a vase and started rearranging them, but she walked in on me doing it. all of a sudden i was in a bathroom. i don't know if i was showering, or what but i was half nekked and had to run back to my room without my family seeing me. so i grabbed a hand towel and held it in front of my ass and ran out. i think i made it. there was all this stuff on my bed that someone put there from downstairs (like they were cleaning up my crap to get it out of the way). one of the things on my bed was a box of flava pops that weren't frozen. i never eat those...my sister had a box of tootsie rolls. i was a little jealous...and i heard my step grandma saying goodbye and congrats to my sister, who was jingling a set of keys (did she get a car???) i didn't want to have to talk to my grandma, so i stayed upstairs.
next dream, i was hanging out with all my friends from high school. i was driving a friend's car and we were trying to get out of a festival and couldn't seem to get away.
then i was in this house with all my family members from my mom's side, and some other random people were there, including this girl i used to bartend with. my cousin was going to play a guitar she found behind this set of curtains, but it wasn't tuned and she didn't have a "tuner" so she asked me for one. i told her i didn't have one and she got all frustrated. a few minutes later, my friend the old bartender, came up with this box of new weird equipment that looked like it worked with a computer. she said it was for the guitar and plugged one part in to it, and put headphones on me and plugged it in too. apparently i was the middle man between the guitar and my cousin, and the rest of the family. i was supposed to talk while she played. ? i said no, but they made me. i remember speaking to my grandma about her computer. she wanted a colored monitor for her computer. and then my other cousin was making shots for everyone. my guitar playing cousin ordered a half jager half ambuca (doesn't exist) and i remember all of a sudden a full bar appeared and i helped him get his shit together. he made the shot, which i took as well, and i almost puked. somehow baileys ended up in it as well.
it was so nice out yesterday so i opened my window. all morning the wind has been blowing my door open, and slaming it a second later. and it's fucking freezing in here. i thought someone was spying on me, and not being to slick about it as they were slamming the door...damn wind and windows and loose doors! if it wasn't for the combination i'd be in bed until 2 or 3!!!
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