does anyone else have weird runins in public bathrooms? i have had more weird experiences than i care to repeat...most friends have heard the "joy got creeped out in the bathroom today" stories i have, but here's a new one:
i was in the public bathroom in the mall the other day and the cleaning people were out in the i figured it was cool if i peed. i went inside the bathrooms and a lady was just finishing cleaning all the i pick a stall and start doing my thing when all of a sudden one of the people from outside comes in and starts mopping. this mop comes at me from all different angles while i'm sitting on the toilet. it's a little bit unnerving. i couldn't perform in such a stressful situation. i freaked out. i thought the cleaning person would get the hint that i was trying to go when they saw my FEET, but no.....they continued to mop. i held my jaw open in disbelief and tried to be fast. as i reached for the tp i noticed that the tp holder is connected to the other stall and you could see through to the next stall because the divider was broken....there were 2 huge windows for the cleaning person to peep on me!!! this further increased my freaked attitude and i hurried up and hauled ass out of there.
my other not so pleasant bathroom moment was at one of my favorite bars.
i just finished up lunch with some co-workers and went to use the head. as i was finishing up i saw what appeared to be a duster that moved quickly from the bottom of my stall to the next stall. i freaked out, cause it was freakily quiet in the bathroom and what the hell was that??? who dusts in bathroom stalls?
i got out of my stall and saw the other door was closed and there were no feet. i yelled, "what the fuck are you doing?" and there was no answer. then all of a sudden i hear, "i'm fixing toilet..." then a bunch of slams, bangs, etc. the asshole was SPYING on me. eew. i am freaked out. so i am waiting for him to get out of the stall...he doesn't come out and isn't moving. i then decide it's probably not a good idea for me to be in the bathroom alone when he gets out, so i leave the bathroom and wait for him in the hallway and tell my friend what happened. she gets all embarrased for me, but doesn't look like she believes me when all of a sudden, this mangy old busboy dude comes out with a bright red face mumbling something about cleaning the toilet....WHAT? if anyone is cleaning/fixing a public restroom they leave the main door open, leave the stall door open, put up a sign, SOMETHING....when he was just spying on me, what a douchebag.
i have too many weird bathroom stories. i check the shower to see if anyone is in my bathroom when i am peeing. i now have an exceptional case of BOCD *bathroom obsessive compulisve disorder* which makes me take longer in bathrooms of all types because i have to make sure no one is spying on me.
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