Beattie Stumbles upon the Next Best Thing Since Diet Coke
You've gotta love Friday. Especially when everyone and their mother takes the day off, except you. What's up with all my friends not working on Fridays and Mondays? And why can't I get paid to not come into work. I'm a little jealous.
Especially when it's a big surprise to me when I get to work and no one replies to my emails (Because they are partying early at home...assholes.)It's enough to make a girl cry.
Walking to work today I made a pit stop for breakfast and bought a diet coke for later (...For my lunch of popcorn and diet soda. Yum. I finished it off with roughly 20 snack sized m&ms from Halloween.) So I am thinking that the bottle looks funny ... different packaging, etc. I'm not all that good with change. Unless I win a free soda/vacation/fake tattoo. Speaking of that, remember growing up when 1 in 6 (SIX!) won a free soda? Now it's 1 in 12. What gives?
So, This is the longest ramble ever, but I'm getting to the fact that Coca Cola started making Diet Coke with Splenda. Yay. I don't normally like Splenda...and I almost put the soda back and got regular Diet Coke, but man am I glad I didn't. It's mighty fine for a diet soda. It almost tastes regular. So there you go. That was honestly the most exciting part of my day. Besides the m&ms.
I am all alone in my office and got into a fight with the dude upstairs (in a different office.) That was fun. I also got all my work done super early and had nothing to do for about 2 hours...When I ate popcorn and gave myself a manicure. I'm basically counting down til I end up drunk before and after "Walk the Line" tonight in Georgetown. You're in for a treat, L & K. I'm cabbing it and planning on taking 'responsible drinking and driving' to a whole new level tonight.
Thanks, Coca Cola! (I almost wrote you a letter, but this is as far as I'm going with my gratitude.)
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