Pinback and the Frat Boys

Yay, Pinback! I've been wanting to see these boys for a very long time and finally got my chance. They put on a great show at the Black Cat last night; their sunshiny Cali-indie rock made the night a bit less dank. Aside from the 7 foot tall frat boys that pushed their way in front of me, the show was pretty good. Three of said frat boys moved as one being, doing the frat/white boy nod dance as one solid unit. Probably because they shared the same brain. I did get to see a bit of the projected film clips and band members when the popped collar lads went to go get another budweiser. So, thanks for that, guys.
Armistead Burwell Smith IV (what a name) aka Zack Smith and Rob Crow set up their guitars and teased us for a good 30 minutes before they actually played, but it was worth it. I heard my favorite Pinback song, Non-Photo Blue and Good to Sea, which were sped up a lot as opposed to the flowy album versions. Rob Crow's giggles and talks while tuning in between songs and at the encore were fun, as were his intermitent chugging of New Castle. Gotta love it when the band is having fun.
Next up:
Fleet Foxes! (10/3, Black Cat)
Nick Cave! (10/6, 9:30)
Hot Chip (10/8, 9:30)
The Wedding Present and The Jealous Girlfriends (10/11, Cat)
The Heartless Bastards (10/13, Cat)
In other Beattie sightings, I'm excited about seeing 1984 at the Atlas Theatre tonight. And all hail Oktoberfest on Sat, with the boys from college. Good times!
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