Saturday, May 15, 2004

calm before the puking storm

So....I think I just quit Ella's...I woke up late (after turning off my alarm twice) and freaked out and jumped in the shower anyway cause I hate going through the whole day all smelly and gross. I jumped out of the shower and had ten minutes to get my shit together and haul ass to the metro and realized it just wasn't worth it. I am killing myself for 20-30 bucks. So I grabbed the phone and called work all ready to leave a sniveling "I'm sick!!!" message since it's so fucking early. No dice. The owner picks up the phone and I make up something about picking up food poisoning late last night and went to the hospital (!) and they couldn't do anything about it and that I was going to have to stay home today. His response you ask?


Um. Okay. So I am back in bed, smelling good and ready for some more zzzzzz's. But now that I took the effort to post my good fortune, I'll probably not be able to sleep.
This is an entirely fitting situation to be in as I dreamed that I quit as I was turning off my stupid alarm twice this morning.
I told this girl I work with that I was quitting. She was all concerned and started freaking out about how it would suck if I quit. We were hanging out in a high school, by the way. I told her I wasn't making any money and it was a waste of my time and she said that it's a shame cause she liked me and could see me as a manager there. I was like, "DAMN straight. I kick ass. I could be a manager" But no thanks. And this other girl I work with was in the high school with me too. I was driving a sedan in the hallways. I don't remember the rest, but it is making me really want to go back to sleep. I'm out


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