dreams are back!
I actually got some sleep. I am amazed, no alarm...buys you about 4 extra hours! And man, were my dreams psychotic. I think about everyone I know were in them, for starters. And they were soooooo random. I can try to piece them together, but it's going to be a weird ride.
In one of them I was hanging out with my mom, dad, and I assume my brothers and sister. We were at a college campus for something and there were students everywhere. At one point we were in a music hall practice room thing and people were playing instuments. We just took some seats around the performers and watched and gabbed like we owned the place. It was weird. And I took off and was walking all around the campus...segue to another weird dream. I'm hanging out with my crazy Grandma on my dad's side. She is a bitter, funny old lady and we are walking to this car right. She has her hands completely full and has trouble moving around anyway, so the load is holding her back. She won't let me help her. I'm a little taken aback, are you thinking I am going to STEAL whatever crap you are holding?!?!?!? Am I not good enough to help you??? I think I say this to her and she finally gives me a piece of paper or something to hold. WOOHOO. So, all the crap, my Grandma and I end up getting into the car somehow. And that's all I remember on that one. Ok...what else. They are fading as I explain them, cause there are a LOT more. In one scene I am hanging out with my ex. :( We are in a kitchen eating some weird wrapped chocolate. We're waiting for something to happen too and the weather is insane outside. Um...I feel like I'm leaving out a major one...not like it would affect anything. So, then I dreamed I was at a zoo, and this pink elephant was chasing me. It kept spitting peanuts at me and I was like, "LOOK, will you STOP spitting peanuts at me, you ass?" And he was like..."ok" and moved on to someone else. That one didn't happen. I made it up.
You know you are getting old when you realize you slept too late and have to get up and get stuff done so you don't waste the day.
:( I really don't like the feeling.
FYI, The Old Ebbitt hasn't called me...I am probably not wanted, but I fit in better with loosers anyway, so maybe the mag and Ella's are more appropriate. I'll update with the news, if it happens.
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