potential whore of a flight attendant breaks toe in freak accident
My foot hurts so bad.
I think I broke it.
Or I fractured it. Is that the same thing?
According to this website I went on, it is...and according to the site I have a broken toe. It turned all black and blue and 7 hours after it happened, it still fucking HURTS. I already had messed up feet to begin with, but now it's even uglier. And I can't walk without wincing/dragging my foot behind me like quassi moto (someone tell me how to spell that fucker's name please).
So...V and I went to go be flight attendants tonight. We went to an open conference interview process in Crystal City. The lobby was full of people who either looked the part, or was as far from it as possible. After being herded into the smallest conference room alive we all were given the run down on how much money we'd be making.
It's SHIT. It's so shitty, looking at my career at On Tap seems like an awesome opportunity. I think that all flight attendants MUST live at home with their parents. How the fuck can anyone afford to live off of roughly 15K a year?
According to the recruiters, flight attendants can only work a set amount of hours too, it's not like you could work a lot and get paid a ton. It's so shitty.
Well with that said, we stayed to hear them out and were informed that we'd have to come up in front of the audience and recruiters and read a short selection of "we get paid jack shit to man the plane" aka please read the safety bulletin located in the brochure in the seat pocket..blah blah blah..everyone in row 9 has to save the rest of the plane in case of emergency landing, blah blah blah. Some of the participants were really freaked out and SUCKED. We then had to tell everyone about a time when we had to deal with a disgrunted customer.
Hmm. Do you REALLY want to know what I have said/done to people that have pissed me off? I told my old boss/friend that lives in Cali about it and he laughed without me telling him the rest and reminded me of my master plan to keep credit card numbers of people I hated so I can order mail order tvs and shit. (There's an idea for your flat screen, Rich) I totally forgot about that scheme! Retribution in the form of a credit card number/expiration date/mailing address. Why yes, I am John Asshole and I'd like that TV mailed to P.O. Box...
So I let my mind wander during 6 presentations and racked my brain for inspiration as to a customer service issue that didn't end up with me hanging up the phone/glaring at the asshole that is wasting my time/bitch slapping the whining pricks...and came up with something they liked, cause my name was on the door after the break!
Oh boy...I am finally good enough to be considered for the 6-8 week unpaid training in AZ. Thanks! While I'd like to rack up frequent flyer miles in the form of hotel stays...wink...or mile high miles with hot single men, the gig just hasn't sold me yet. But I WOULD like to find out if I pass the criminal background check they do. I'll find out in 2-3 weeks if my name on the door served a purpose.
If it wasn't for the damn airline I would have two normal toes, btw.
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