Monday, December 19, 2005

Talk About Drunk A-holes.

Originally uploaded by joy and pain.
I am still drunk. And a tad bit embarassed because I just found out first hand why it is unwise to drink in front of your bosses. And why it is unwise to hit up 2 work Christmas parties in a row. Especially when it's free booze.
I danced last night. I never dance. I never dance because the only time I brave the dance floor is when I am too drunk to legally stand on my own. But I think I tried to drop it last night...with one of my bosses. So humiliating. I then proceeded to drink carbombs and shots of Jameson (aparently with anyone that asked me...and I think a lot of people asked me based on the fact that I was the drunk asshole last night.)
And I still got to work 20 minutes early, which I never do.
I am too old to act like an idiot.
But I had fun. Thanks for taking care of me, Katie. Sort of. Oh, and sorry for yelling at you. I probably said I love you right after it and then I probably cried. I don't remember.

Friday, December 16, 2005

RIP Patriot Act

Originally uploaded by joy and pain.
Ah, finally some good news regarding the infamous Patriot Act...most parts of it will be d-e-d in 2006 since our lovely Senate said, "NO!" to it's renewal. It's nice to know that some members of the government feel they can learn from their mistakes, huh?

In other news, I know I haven't blogged in awhile. Sorry. I have lots of mini inspirations randomly throughout the day, but the last place I want to be when I get home is my computer, so most of them get lost. Especially after I have a few drinks. And I feel bad blogging at work, because I always get caught when I do anything deviant...always. And sometimes I call myself after a few glasses of wine. So I really need to be good about this, or I'll end up telling my bosses how much I love them, and that I sometimes blog ("Joy, what's a blog? what do you mean?") at work, and that sometimes I call the cable company to yell at them, and sometimes I do So-du-ku puzzles, and sometimes I write long and massive emails to my friends that aren't work related, and sometimes I pay bills online, and sometimes I make personal calls on their phones, and sometimes I drink on the job.
So, you know it's just not a good place to blog. So you are all just going to have to wait.
And I know you are just sitting there waiting.
I have lots of iddy bitty random things that have happened to me that I will write about soon. Including pictures. Tonight's drinking will be: in cheers to the death of the Patriot Act.

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