Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Beattie is in Love with an Irishman I may be in love with a whole slew of Irish men, but am I a happy girl, now that Denis Leary is back for my viewing pleasure. One of the best shows out there...Rescue Me is alive and well.

Everytime I think I have a dysfunctional family, I can look at the angry Irish (granted it's on tv) and realize I could marry into a whole bunch more if I really wanted to.

Countdown to the Jake Did I mention that we entered him for the Old Navy dog? We did. So did at least 115,000 other people. And do you have any idea how many people named their dogs Jake? I am driving my family off to Dulles tomorrow. Then it's me and the dog for a 3 whole weeks!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Is Brangelina Offspring the Devil?

So...I try to keep up with current events, as you may or may not know. While reading various articles on CNN's website, I come across an article about Brad and Angelina's new baby. Very exciting. In said article, I gaped at the following,

"In a sign of media fascination with the pair, "New York" magazine recently said the baby was the most anticipated since Jesus and would be more newsworthy than the recent birth of a daughter to Hollywood stars Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes."


Give me a break. I'm sorry, but Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' new baby is much more important. C'mon. Can these events even compare?

And the comparison to Jesus...NY Magazine must have some badass sources and references. I can only imagine how many people must have anticipated the birth of Jesus and left those stats on stone tablets for such reputable media outlets to use in 2006. If Brangelina's new baby is second to Jesus, does that make her the antichrist? Can the antichrist have a vagina? That'd be pretty cool.

You may also be interested to know that in my attempts to find cartoon pictures of the antichrist, I got more hits for George W. than anything else. Maybe the antichrist doesn't have a vagina.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Mussels and Champagne Make for a Good Time

So, I dig mussels. Snail isn't all that shabby either, as long as there's a ton of butter and garlic to cover it up, or...enhance the flavor of the slow, slimy creature. Dinner at Bistro Du Coin was kick ass tonight. I don't know what I was expecting...but it was so much fun. I can totally see it as a place to go and drink some wine and chill out.
And while I'm not a huge fanatic of champagne or white wine, I was so happy to eat mussels and drink the bubbly! I think it's going to have to become commonplace. All of this excitement, is made possible thanks to Katie. Hope you had a happy birthday, compadre, it was fun for me.
I proceeded to win a ton of chips "playing" poker, and then lost a dollar after we started to actually play for money. Good times were had by all. Cheers to a great year ahead of you, Katie!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Aging Gracefully Always Includes Alcohol

Happy Birthday, Katie! You are catching up to me; we are old bitches.
Props to the coworkers who decided to celebrate your birth with margaritas and sombreros. Did you all take siestas after lunch? Obviously...government employees and naps go hand in hand.
Cheers to you and the innevitable hangover you are going to have tomorrow after mixing tequila and champagne. Happy Birthday.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Parton and Stalone Amaze the Masses

Long time no post. I know. I have had a lot of memorable moments too, but they are going to have to wait until the epic novel of my life to come out to the public. And by public I mean everyone that I have not blabbed my life story to already. Aside from falling in love (sigh)
I have been busy working. I'm back at the Irish pub. While the work load is something to be desired (it's not like I sleep anyway...) I am 2 shifts away from making my rent. So, in other words, "I'm rich, bitch!"

Not really, but it's nice. So I'm flipping through tv last night...deleting my filled up Tivo, cause I'm never home...and I stumble across some quality programing. RHINESTONE. Who knew a talented actor like Sylvester...would get to gether with a talented musician...Dolly Parton.

I think I am going to start my Christmas list early this year. If there is a sequel I want it too! And if anyone knows of a soundtrack or movie posters, don't you keep me in the dark!
Ough. Can you imagine any love scenes? With his "accent" and her boobs and fro. That'd be too much for me to handle.

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