Friday, August 26, 2005

Who Knew the Working World Could be Fun?

I officially love my job. My bosses. The money. All of it. Well, the money could always be better...:) And it would be nice to get paid for doing nothing. But other than that, I love it.
I just worked 13 hours...and it sorta flew by...and then I had drinks with my bosses. They paid. I really like them, and I just wanted to say it.
Other than that, they aren't just handing me money. I AM working for it...and need to be there in 7 I'm going to hit the hay.
But it rocks!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Dumbass Needs Mechanical Arms

Originally uploaded by joy and pain.
I burned the fuck out of my hand a few minutes ago. AHHHHHHHHH! I have an ice cream headache in the unburned portion (it's sitting on a ziplock full of ice) and the rest hurts when I take it off the ice, and pretty much when it's not numb.
How did this happen, you ask? Oh, you don't really have to ask, I do dumb stuff all the time...but in this instance...
I worked over 12 hours today and picked up dinner on the way home. The nice bartender/manager gave me someone else's order too because the people never picked it up. Sweet. Free food. So I gave it to my bosses and kept a cup of soup for me. DUMBASS. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Not only did I spill half of the rest of the stuff when getting it out of containers (there were like 5 of them...all the little sauces were packed separately...that's so dangerous for me. I need to keep all liquids except for booze away.), but I also spilled half the flimsy cup of soup all over me when getting it out of the microwave. OUGH. So when bad guys get hot liquids dumped on them in fight scenes, I now know why they scream like pansies. Although I think I grunted. Maybe twice. I also immediately looked down at my shirt that was covered in what looked like puke, but was really corn and crab chowder. Nice. All over my shaking hand, the counter, oven, microwave, floor, and my shirt.
So...doing laundry, frostbiting my arm/hand, and hating soup.
Don't ever take free food when it's offered to you!
But it was still a nice gesture...I just managed to Beattie it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

RIP to the Fishers...

Originally uploaded by joy and pain.
My favorite show is dead and gone. I love Six Feet Under...what a great show. I cried shamelessly when Nate died...and good lord, did the finale take away all hope of the show coming back...ever. When Nate got sick a few seasons ago (and died the first time) I foretold that the show would end with everyone dying...I should move to Hollywood and harrass Alan Ball about his next project. I could write for TV...I'm so cool (gag).
I have yet to pack anything...I really need to get on that. I think I am going to throw away anything that I haven't used or looked at since I moved into this place...No need to keep lugging boxes around with me from place to place...but really, do I donate that stuff? Random candle holders, knick knacks from when I was a kid...I really don't know if Goodwill wants my colored pencils that I used once, or my Biology book from college. What do I do with that stuff, man?
I am also getting all too familiar with my desk job. I have been starting to fall asleep while awake in the office. I need to walk around every 30 minutes and get another cup of coffee or I would actually fall asleep. Kind of a pain in the ass. A couple times I tried to do the crossword in the paper, but when I hear footsteps I freak out and hide it in my I don't get much accomplished. One of my bosses brought in a shitload of Redbull today, so I am jumping on the crack bus. I hate the stuff, but man was I jumpy the rest of the day. I almost Beattie'd the project I was working on. It's hard to have a steady hand after 5 cups of coffee and a Redbull. Aside from falling asleep, the job's cool. I'm helping put together a proposal for a contract in Philadelphia. Fun stuff. Anyone want a weedwacker? How about two couch covers? Help me move!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Getting Screwed can Sometimes Be a Surprise

Getting Screwed
Originally uploaded by joy and pain.
So...I'm driving to work and I hear a little pop and something hits my foot. I kinda freak out, but get to the parking garage and scrounge around on the floor and find a new looking, black screw/bolt...With a washer too. And it's not dirty or old looking and I have no clue where it came from, except that it can't be a good thing that it fell on my foot while driving. I take my car in some place? Show them the screw and ask where it came from? I'm a tiny bit confused. Normally I like getting screwed, but hey. Not if it affects my beautiful car...damn. Speaking of screwed, the hickey is gone, my friends...I am so glad my bosses went to Philly this week and I had the office to myself while my pasty Irish skin returned to me. I kinda liked being alone in the office. I listened to music all day, sang out loud a little bit...and even used the pooper (cause no one would know it was me, yay!)
Isn't that an amazing amount of fun going on in my life? It's rockin. I am nervous/excited about moving. My lazy ass still has yet to pack anything or clean my current apartment...I should probably get crackin.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Time to Shell out the Dough for a Remote Control...

So, I don't have a remote control for the tv in my room...And I felt like being lazy tonight and...I don't know how it happened, but the channel got stuck on MTV...and for awhile on VH1...and I feel a little bit dirty, a little bit old, and definitely lazier for not getting up and changing the channel/doing something with my life.
So, there is a lot of crap on tv, and some of it is the kind of crap that makes me want to see what happens next. I feel like I'm back in high school and man, are there a lot of shows out there that make me glad high school is over. Let's recap some of my magical experience. Hulk Hogan has his own reality show...? Wow. He is still looking pretty good and it's nice to know his family can mooch off of his successful career. I saw a glimpse of his publicity stunts with the other old wrestlers I watched growing up (My brothers had this pretty cool thumb wrestler collection we all fought was awesome...we had a wrestling ring and a bunch of plastic/rubber collectable wrestlers we'd wear on our thumbs and have our own matches. It caused a lot of family fights, obviously.) Let's just say that Hogan is aging a lot more gracefully than the other ones.
Moving on, Laguna Beach...what is it? Is it fake? Are the characters real? C'mon, it gave me a headache. Ok, and what about Date my Mom, um...really. Although some of the writing (and it was obviously scripted...) was funny/clever, it is pretty horrible that moms and daughters will exploit each other to get on tv. I can only imagine the stuff my mom would say about me to get me a date. HA. So, one mom had to dress up in a costume to describe her daughter. She chose a pig. Wow, that's love. And you'd be surprised how many people described their daughters as bitchy. Some of the moms were whoreish too...shocker. When you let your mom date your potential date first, and watch her go out in booty shorts, you know you need to get away from sloppy seconds. And finally, there is a show where one person gets to raid three potential dates' homes and see how they live. The places are a mess and they have a spy kit to see if the dates are getting busy in their own rooms. Nice...and this episode rocked cause it was the ghetto edition, in Cali. Fun.
I am ready to turn off the tube and grab a book...I totally forgot what it was like to kill brain cells without the help of alcohol.

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