The Earth Does Not Revolve Around the Sun

It revolves around Lou Reed. And he is very happy about it.
After buying a $53 ticket to Lou Reed, and crying a little bit at the price tag, I ended up being very excited to catch his performance at the 930 yesterday. Little did I know the man was just a tad bit of a douchebag. The music was definitely worth seeing, don't get me wrong. While his talent is not coming into question, his disrupting my chances of drinking really took him down a notch. The man requested that no alcohol of any kind be served on the main levels of the bar so as to not "disrupt" the show. What?!? You mean, you want me to watch you sober? And by watch I mean the very top of your head and mostly the mic stand and every once in a while, the drummer. (I was way in the back and every 10 minutes I got a gulp of fresh air and a view of Lou Reed in his pompous glory.)
So instead of us witnessing a sober and blissful performance, most of us were just plain angry. And man, did the masses bumrush the bottom and top bars in their quest for warm draft beer. So much for not having an interrupted performance Lou. I would say it backfired. The show went on promptly at 9pm and was over at 10:30. After the encore. What gives, Lou? Did you really just want to get the hell out of dodge? I know DC is probably not your favorite town, but we all paid over $50 to see you and are not drinking. You are a big tease. And we are angry and unfulfilled.
It's been a few moons since I have worked in a bar, but how happy do you think the bartenders made out last night? All the bars that were out of commission were manned by at least 2 appologetic bartenders who threw away garbage all night and kept telling us NO. Nice work, Lou! (Now what would at least make me snicker in a "You ARE an asshole!" kind of way would be if he said not one drop of alcohol was allowed in the entire venue and then we saw him drinking onstage for the entire performance. Go for the glory or go home, Lou.)
Oh and by the way, I'm back! I was considering making it a full year before my first post, but I really missed microsoft paint. And ranting online. Hello, again!