Dark, Dank, Rock Explosion.

It was crazier than I anticipated. I narrowly escaped spit out beer and mayhem. It was a tad bit insane. And I loved it! Monotonix delivered last night at the Black Cat. Amid the dingy back room and lots of smelly, sweaty boys the rowdy Israeli band was a riot.
While Ami Shalev did not light himself or anyone else on fire, he did snatch up a few beers, spit at people, jump on shoulders, yell at us, throw a mic in my face (at which point all I could do was stare dumbly in amazement) and surf the crowd. All without landing on his tail end, for which I was very amazed. I don't know what he's on, but man, it's working. On top of that, their drummer ended up kneeling on one of his drums and was lifted over the heads of the crowd, while he continued playing on drums that people were holding over their heads. Insane. Monotonix will be back in the fall and if you missed out in the excitement, I think a trip out to see the trio will be well worth it.