86 Teenage Angst

My exciting life
Ooooooooh, guess what's up? I'm old, bitches! One more year I am thanking God for keeping me on this planet. (Thanks, God!)
I'd also like to take the time to thank my Mom for deciding to keep me and put up with me. (Thanks Mom!)
And Katie, Thank you for making me drink GM, and Patron, and some pumpkinesque shot that I know had Goldschlager in it...damn you! The Alagash was tasty. As was the Guinness.
In other news: I made it through the night. Even though I was proud (and ashamed) for staying away from Bourbon, the other odds and ends behind the bar are making me a tired lady today. The countdown to my extended birthday week begins.
Nov 10 - Hello, Kings of Leon. I have been crossing the days off my calendar for you boys.
Nov 11 - People in Planes (Yay!) and the Toadies....at the 9:30
Nov 12 - Smashing Pumpkins. At DAR (Lame!)
Nov 13 - Calexico. At 9:30.
Nov 18 - Eagles of Death Metal. 9:30...I need a concert buddy for this one. Why is everyone out of town but me? C'mon, people...
Oh! Yours truly rode the bus. And made to metroman's blog. Sweeeet! My story is entitled: Ahole on the S4. I have a talent. For spotting aholes and drinking at bars.