Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Plagiarism Rocks My World

I feel like I have arrived as an "author." I have been plagiarized! I occasionally write for a magazine and found myself thumbing through a different publication (ok, more like a huge pamphlet...it was pretty small). As I'm reading a description of a coffee shop I kind of loose my breath for a minute, "This sounds totally like me...Wait! It IS me...I totally wrote this last year...SWEET." I can't believe someone would copy something I wrote, I have arrived.
I have a huge article coming out this month, unless they majorly cut the crap out of it. I'm crossing my fingers someone else steals from me. I am that cool. Ok, not really, but I'd like to think that I am when I have no other accomplishments under my belt at the moment.
In other news, my parents are selling the house. I can't believe it and this makes me feel like a child-adult-mutant. I told them they can't sell the house; where are we going to celebrate Christmas? If they decide to take up RVing like a couple of retirement crazies, I am NOT visiting them in a trailer park for the holidays. That just...doesn't work for me. So now they have come face to face that they have raised a selfish daughter who is backtracking from adulthood into a whiney brat that wants to keep her house. So my oasis known as the childhood home is history. It's a good thing I have the plagiarism to keep me going.

Friday, April 08, 2005

7-11 Sports Real Life Golly Green Giant

So I went to 7-11 last night to get some dinner after work. I was obviously there at the sketchy point of the evening when the only people there are ghetto or cops...or just getting off work (ME). Although it has been argued that I am ghetto...I almost fall over in astonishment when I get up to pay for my sandwhich and see that the cashier, "Dunn," is towering over me. I am short, almost as short as they come, but this guy is like a tree in comparison to me, the stump. I ask him how tall he is. He looks down at me and says, "7'4.'' I think my mouth dropped open. I felt as white and stupid as they come and I felt like asking if he played basketball. I resisted that urge and said instead, "Dude! You're over 2 feet taller than me, what do you think of that?" He just looked at me and gave me my change. I wonder if he is faced with a lot of short, stupid people asking him questions. Regardless, if anyone in the DC area is looking for another player on a basketball team of any sort, hit up your local 7-11s.

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