Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Editors are no Longer DC Virgins

I am digging the Editors...Their album just got released in the states March 21. I just got home from a great show and am really pleased I went. Stellastarr* is touring with them, so the combo was great.
I officially feel old, however by leaving after 6 songs from Stellastarr* but at least I wasn't chilling with a bunch of preteens like the time I went to a Death Cab for Cutie show.

So look out for the Editors. The lead singer is a trip on stage, btw. I wonder if he cuts himself when he's alone. He wacked himself in the head a couple times and jumped around the stage like a monkey, but he was great and it was obvious he was into it. They are being compared to Echo and the Bunnymen, Joy Division, the Smiths, Interpol, etc. However, I'd pick the Editors hands down (live) compared to Interpol...anyone else ever see them live? Then you know what I'm talking about.

How to briefly update the last week or so...I am planning on quiting the "new bar." It sucks. Not only is it in a shitty location for the weekends, but the schedule is not what I was promised. Gotta love bosses who tell you to give away drinks and ask you to drink on your shift...but that means they are compensating for something, doesn't it? Eh' it was worth a shot, but I need a tad bit more consistency. So....I'm out soon.

My parents are coming to visit! Super stoked about that. I get to be the honorary dog sitter too when they go to India (for a month!) Jake is awesome...I'm the first to admit, I was bitter when the fam got a new puppy a few years ago...but man, he bonded with Chip and is unbelievably fun. So I'm thrilled. It gives me another reason to quit the new bar too!

A bum came into the office today like he owned the place and asked to use our telephone. I came into work and he was sitting at my desk on the phone, writing on my post it notes. It's too bad I couldn't get him to stay and work for me today, now that would have been sweet.

Friday, March 17, 2006

86 Razor

86 Razor
Originally uploaded by joy and pain.
I have to say, I was not prepared for the demise of my phone. After getting the message, "Insert SIM" for 2 days and despite all attempts to revive my POS, Cingular reps told me my phone was lost. I had every intention of walking into the store and getting a new SIM card and having that be the end of my worries/start of the hassle of trying to find phone numbers...So I was a bit miffed when I was told the phone was jacked and I'd need to get another one.

Long story short. I almost cried. I paid for upgraded shipping and was told I'd get the phone on Monday. Bah!

God or the lepprechauns (?) smiled down on me when I got a fed ex delivery at work new phone! Wow! So it's charging and I am hoping I am not jinxing myself by talking abt my good fortune. In abt 10 hours I'll know if I have a phone.

Other than that, my bosses started drinking Guinness at 10:30am. I am looking forward to one soon. Happy St. Pat's!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Makers Mark is the Devil

I am truly amazed at the power of Makers Mark. I don't think my body can take any more of that devil juice.

I managed to give myself an amazing hangover. The show last night was good, the opener made me feel like I was on the love boat watching the worst lounge act in history, on acid. It was hilarious.

Thank you Bree for the head's up on the show. It was a lot of fun. The after party at the new bar on 14th st was not such a good idea...but that was fun too.

I don't know if it was spillage, but my SIM card is about as worthless as I feel today. It's dead in the water and I have no numbers saved anywhere. So this a request to have everyone I know to email me/call me and fill me in on your digits. Gotta love Cingular.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Beattie is Back!

Going to see the National tonight at the Black Cat. They're a pretty good band, so I'm looking forward to it. Any other band ideas out there? Let me know...I'm looking forward to seeing the Sounds, maybe the Stills...they're in Baltimore..., Stellastar w/ the Editors, and...

With that said, St. Pat's is 2 days away....lovely. I am breaking the trend and trying to avoid the masses of drunk, green people this year. Let's see if I'm successful. True alcoholics drink like fishes every day of the year, not just on St. Patrick's Day. So there.

Let me give a shout out to my pal, Omar for fixing my blog. Yay! Thanks, O.

In other news, we got a new account at work...I can't remember if I mentioned this in past entries...but it's pretty damn exciting. And we got an offer to bid on another contract in New York, which I am crossing my fingers and knocking on wood about. How sweet would it be to work in the big city to open another
So, with the new account opening up my bosses are always MIA...leaving me to fend for myself. This means I get some work done, am not afraid of going #2, sing or blast music, write emails, blog, and complete monster sudoku puzzles. I am pretty much worthless, in a sense.

Did anyone else get hit with the water outage this week? I was out all day...and no info was available, tv, I called a news station and this dude panicked and said we'd be out of water for an indefinite amount of time since the water main break was HUGE and that we may even be told to evacuate if the problem wasn't fixed that Yikes. So I went on a mission for water. I had to go all the way to Springfield for it and got 6 2.5 gallon pour-spout jugs of the return in the evening to an apt with water...while that's great, I have jugs of it in my car, and in my house. Here's to hydration!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Film School Officially Hates Philadelphia

Although about 8 people decided they had better things to do than go see this awesome band with me...I was super psyched to see Film School come out and play at the Black Cat.

Thank God for slackers at work, or I would have shown up there and gotten really confused at the fact that they never got on stage. Thanks, O for surfing the net all day and keeping me informed.

Apparently some jackasses in Philly stole the band's van...with all of their equipment. And either the other two bands on tour with them didn't want them to borrow their equipment, or the band wanted to get the hell off the East Coast. I wonder why they left the van unattended...doing lines with hookers? Experiencing the wonders of Philly? Who knows...but I hope they get their stuff back and whoever took it is going to reap one helluva lot of karma. How much does a band get when tickets are $15 and there are three bands? I hope the 3 bucks and change of my tickets goes to the boys of Film School even though they didn't get to play. God knows not having that equipment is going to set them back...fucking Philly.

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