Monday, June 28, 2004

Potential Burrito Slinging Ho Faces Her Demise at On Tap

Who would have thought quitting would be so hard? Yesterday was my final shift at Ella's and it was a great feeling. Yet I was secretly disappointed that no one cried about me leaving. No one begged me to stay. But everyone had questions and I owed it to myself to give everyone a better answer than the truth. While it's great that I am taking a management position, the title kinda seems like a let down. California Tortilla. I even fucked up the first time around and called it California Burrito. To save face when I was called out on the name, I replied that the owners were thinking of "trying something new in VA"...a little play on words, if you will. But between you and me, I think they will decide to keep the name the way it is. There is such a nice ring to California Tortilla...No need to mess it up by throwing the word Burrito in there.
Friday was the day to be me. I enjoyed letting my boss know I wouldn't stay past the week. That was fun, although it would have been nicer if she fucking looked me in the eye. While some people think it may be a compliment for another woman to stare only at your chest, I feel violated. Completely violated. I feel like I am back at the hell hole bar with the mullet-warrior manager sizing me up whenever I stepped in the closet-office to get yelled at. And instead of thinking, "man...I must have a nice rack..." I am instead wondering what the fuck is wrong with them? Is one sticking out further than the other? Is she trying to figure out if they are both pierced? She seems to favor my left breast...why is that? WTF, is there something wrong with the bra? My shirt? What is the deal? I should have said something to her, it would have been a nice finale. Oh, and by the way, weeble, I have TWO eyes and they are situated in my fucking head above by chest. Weebly Wobbly putz. Go get your daddy to pay to get your eyes fixed.
I went out like a true champ today. I am ditching my "Welcome on board as a sales rep" lunch where all of our new territories are divied up and am selling instead. I think I'll run up to the office while everyone is out so I can avoid seeing everyone.
I talked to my other boss who is upset I am leaving and made a point to tell me that I could have made things better by talking to her before I made my decision. Well...what can I say, some people were just bread to make tacos.
The beans and rice have been calling out my name and I can no longer ignore the "OY!" that will fit right in at the burrito stand.
With that said, I am going to get ready to sneak into my office for the last week of cubicle worthy work. Next time you all see me I will be reaking of pico de gallo and bring home guac.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Clumsy sot of a daughter finally quits hell hole job no. 2

What kind of daughter stumbles into a 24 hour grocery store looking for a Father's Day card at 1 am, technically the day after Father's Day? Me. I suck. I am the lowest of the low. I "went out of my way" to go to this 24 hour grocery store, thinking they would have the cards left...cause hey! It's Sunday!

I wander aimlessly and finally find the card section. What the hell! There are no Father's Day cards. Um. Do I buy a blank card? No...they'll know something is up. And blank cards are always mushy on the cover, or suspiciously...well. Blank. Or how about a "missing you" card? No. They were all tacky or romantic. One even had a missheveled bed on the cover. That won't work. Um. Ok. So I bought two shitty duck cards that were a combo of "Missing you" and "Thanks" and well, the ducks are supposed to be funny. My addition to the wonderful one liner is going to be, "HA! If this sorry loser can make money writing for Hallmark, or American Greeting, or whatever the fuck company they are writing for, then there's no WAY I should be unemployed. I could make MAD cash writing stupid cards!
Your twit of an semi-unemployed, lazy-assed, procrastinating, sot of a daughter."

I am going to send them soon. (But I have been thinking of both my dads all day and called them too, so I'm not all that bad).

I finally "quit" Ella's.
I was pissed off all weekend, cause they are over staffing and I am walking away bitter and broker than I should be.
I hand in my drawer to the manager on duty who has told me in the past 4 weeks (each time he sees me) that he will fix my schedule so I stay with the bar...etc. He'll do whatever it takes, give me night shifts, etc. In reality, nothing has changed obviously.
I ask as I hand in my drawer, "So. If I were to hand in my notice, would you need something in writing, or can I just tell you that I am giving you my two weeks?"
He's all like, "you can just tell me..."
I'm all like, "Ok. I am giving my two weeks."
Silence, he goes on working and shit like I didn't just open my mouth and say, "Ok. I am giving my two weeks."
"I'll work out the next week's schedule for you, but you obviously don't need me to work the entire two weeks. There are people here that eagerly want to get behind the bar."
No emotion other than the fake ass corporate attitude I've gotten for the past 4 weeks... "Yeah, there are."
"Ok. So I will work for you next week and then I'm done."
Then some bullshit about how it's nothing personal, but I'm not getting enough to pay my bills, etc. (Why can't I just stop when it's appropriate?) He winds up the session by acting like he always does. Does nothing phase him? How can he be so callous? They'll miss me! Oh, will they miss me. FUCKERS.
So, I was like, "See you next week!" And I took off.
So. It remains to be seen if I'll actually go in for the last week of my stay at Ella's. But I am this close to being done.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Avid job seeker nearly dies serial killer style in Gaithersburg

So...just got back from a good show at the 9:30 club. Aimee Mann played and she did the Til Tuesday cover that I play over and over again when I have the track available. According to Heine Ho, it was easier for her to handle than David Bowie...!?! Um. It's better than all that Irish crap like Mary Black, dip! =) After which I was told I owe her a drink for insulting the Irish.
I have a beef to pick with couples that feel the need to make out in front of everyone on the fucking planet. This for once, is not directed at O and S...rather at everyone else at the show tonight. Waiting in line I am confronted with O and S, along with a couple in front of us making out. As I'm watching the show this bitch starts stroking her man's head and neck in front of me. Hello? I am right here and you are 2 inches in front of me. And she hit my drink, while I was drinking from it, to PDA his ass. So I put my drink on her seat when she stood up and Heine took it from me. Damnit. And then there was this old couple directly in front of me making out (in front of the bitch giving head [rubs])which was totally inappropriate amongst all of us that wanted to keep our drinks in our livers and blood streams. At one point they leaned their heads together and blocked the whole damn stage. What's up with that? If you are going to make out, make it worthwhile and have sex in the bathroom, but let me see the show. The couple next to me/behind me is leaning against each other while the guy (next to me/behind me) is so close his breathing moves my hair and he touches my ass every 5 seconds. I got more action tonight than I've gotten in a long time, do people not get out much? Is it that much better to make out in front of everyone and their mothers? If so, I need to jump on that train. I hereby make a solemn promise to make everyone I know (and everyone else) SICK TO THEIR STOMACHS if I ever get a guy that will make out with me. We will do it everywhere. Church, banks, bars, gas stations, fucking concerts, EVERYWHERE. I will get even with everyone that has made me ill, or taken up my personal space with their kissy face antics. I promise.

With that said, I had a helluva time driving out to fucking Gaithersburg yesterday for the "awesome" job offer, that was, of course, to good to be true. 50-70K my ass. I got stuck on the Dulles Toll Road (not the local traffic side either...the "to the airport" side). I proceeded to drive the 20 minute commute to the fucking airport and passed about 8 cop U-turn areas that I had to go avoid because with my luck, I would have gotten pulled over. I was bitter. I got stuck on it because I was behind a huge bus that splattered rain and backwash on me while I was sandwiched into traffic. I missed the sign that told me I was an idiot and exiting onto the Dulles Toll Road. The detour took 40 minutes out of my commute and royally pissed me off. I then haul ass and follow my mapquest directions to be told to get off on exit 5A on 270 and drive 2.7 miles until 270N, which I should get on. Um...Didn't I just battle through traffic on 270N and get off for 5A? What the hell is going on? I get back on 270N. Whoever is in charge of Mapquest needs to fucking lay down the law on their bitches doing the directions. Are they fucking with us on purpose? I just drove around buttfucking Maryland and past the Booze-Allen golf course, toured the Greeneries and produce stands, for NOTHING. I finally get to where I need to be (exit 13A) and my destination ends up in an apartment complex. Who the hell sends a potential employee to an apartment complex without telling them, "Hey, when you get to 20000 Frederick Avenue, SUITE 32, it's really apartment 32 in the Oakwood apartment complex"? I drove past the complex twice, drove in parking lots in front of and behind the complex, double checked directions, and called the number to make sure I had the right place. Cornell (?!?) didn't pick up the phone, so I had to leave a message. I didn't know if I should have waited or what...he called back. Apparently he DOES run his 15 year old business in his house...ok...I figure I'll give him the benefit of the doubt...I just want to hear him out, but I know already with the commute and his crazy business/living situation I am out.
I go in, it's bare, like serial killer bare. There's a dining room table full of mail and crap, there's a dark hallway, there's a computer desk with a computer and lots of crap on it. There's the little island/window ledge leading to his kitchen. On the ledge is a 1/3 bottle of WHITE ZINFINDEL. Who the fuck drinks that? And if you were an avid white zin drinker, it needs to be in the fridge. C'mon! That immediately took him down a couple notches, not to mention the fact that he locked the door when I came in.
About 15 minutes later I decide, hey...this isn't the job for me. The reason? The commute. "If you don't want to drive in traffic you could come in around 7 (pm)" you just said you want someone here to answer the phones so you don't miss out on business. Who calls a business writer after 7pm? Sketchy. After the "interview" is over, I leave and he says he'll call me in about a week after he talks to other candidates. Sure, buddy. And I will eagerly jump at the offer to work out of your shady pad. Fuck off.
Anyone out there with a valid job offer? Please share. I need all the help I can get, or I should keep going to the crap offers and write a book about how shitty the job offers/market is. Maybe that'll please my parents. (I told my dad about the shady place and his first response was that the guy was using his "business" as a drug front.) =) And I thought he was just trying to lure women to his place! Fear not, father, I will not become a drug mule unless I get the money up front.

Update: I'm giving my notice to Ella's tomorrow. Yay.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

potential whore of a flight attendant breaks toe in freak accident

My foot hurts so bad.
I think I broke it.
Or I fractured it. Is that the same thing?
According to this website I went on, it is...and according to the site I have a broken toe. It turned all black and blue and 7 hours after it happened, it still fucking HURTS. I already had messed up feet to begin with, but now it's even uglier. And I can't walk without wincing/dragging my foot behind me like quassi moto (someone tell me how to spell that fucker's name please).

So...V and I went to go be flight attendants tonight. We went to an open conference interview process in Crystal City. The lobby was full of people who either looked the part, or was as far from it as possible. After being herded into the smallest conference room alive we all were given the run down on how much money we'd be making.

It's SHIT. It's so shitty, looking at my career at On Tap seems like an awesome opportunity. I think that all flight attendants MUST live at home with their parents. How the fuck can anyone afford to live off of roughly 15K a year?

According to the recruiters, flight attendants can only work a set amount of hours too, it's not like you could work a lot and get paid a ton. It's so shitty.
Well with that said, we stayed to hear them out and were informed that we'd have to come up in front of the audience and recruiters and read a short selection of "we get paid jack shit to man the plane" aka please read the safety bulletin located in the brochure in the seat pocket..blah blah blah..everyone in row 9 has to save the rest of the plane in case of emergency landing, blah blah blah. Some of the participants were really freaked out and SUCKED. We then had to tell everyone about a time when we had to deal with a disgrunted customer.
Hmm. Do you REALLY want to know what I have said/done to people that have pissed me off? I told my old boss/friend that lives in Cali about it and he laughed without me telling him the rest and reminded me of my master plan to keep credit card numbers of people I hated so I can order mail order tvs and shit. (There's an idea for your flat screen, Rich) I totally forgot about that scheme! Retribution in the form of a credit card number/expiration date/mailing address. Why yes, I am John Asshole and I'd like that TV mailed to P.O. Box...
So I let my mind wander during 6 presentations and racked my brain for inspiration as to a customer service issue that didn't end up with me hanging up the phone/glaring at the asshole that is wasting my time/bitch slapping the whining pricks...and came up with something they liked, cause my name was on the door after the break!
Oh boy...I am finally good enough to be considered for the 6-8 week unpaid training in AZ. Thanks! While I'd like to rack up frequent flyer miles in the form of hotel stays...wink...or mile high miles with hot single men, the gig just hasn't sold me yet. But I WOULD like to find out if I pass the criminal background check they do. I'll find out in 2-3 weeks if my name on the door served a purpose.
If it wasn't for the damn airline I would have two normal toes, btw.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

cheese world

I love my family. Everything about coming home has been great. Except for the showers. And the bed (which is fine, but I wake up in a panic cause I don't know where I am...). And the not having a car. But it's more than liveable. It's home!
Flying in was pretty funny. I know the landmarks of Milwaukee and as soon as you cross over from Lake Michigan, you are at the airport. Well, our pilot kept going. He kept going and going...and I saw fields and shit. I had NO clue where we were. We just crossed a huge span of water, it had to be Lake Michigan, so what IS the deal? I began to worry that I got on the wrong plane. I thought maybe the ticket said I was flying into a different airport...but WHAT airport? Then the plane did a 180 and we ended up back at the waterfront and the airport I actually know. We were ahead of schedule and he flew straight out and back again to the airport, as opposed to flying in circles over the airport. Phew!
Our dog Jake has transformed himself from a cute little hairball to a HUGE, ackward, adorable furball. His tail is like a fountain - it just spurts out hair. He still has the cute baby face, but he is so damn big. And goofy. Chip, my baby, is older. I love her to death and we all call her a pup, but she is getting slower, and quieter, and it's sad to see, but she is still in really good shape and great looking.
My sister is the same from when she visited in DC, but she is a CRAZY driver. Good God, and you all thought I was bad...get beside her when she is behind the wheel...makes me want a drink, or change seats to the driver's side or the back, where I can close my eyes.
Doug is cool as ever. He wants to open a bar here and I told him if he did that I would move back here to help him out. We'll see. Donny is hilarious as ever. I don't know where he wound up so funny, as my father and stepmom never seemed all that cool and hip, like Doug and I are...go figure. =)
His graduation was awesome. We yelled at him, and it was weird going to a town where everyone knows "Beattie" and the name is yelled frequently (and on good terms, not, "Kiss my ass, Beattie." Although I am sure he gets that a lot too.
I got sunburned sitting outside, which is good, as I am a pasty white girl. My grandma is still bitter as hell and fiesty. I saw a ton of people I haven't seen anywhere from 1-6 years and I have only been here 1.5 days. I feel like I got a lot accomplished even though I haven't really done anything.
My mom and dad look great and are awesome. They have yet again converted the house, and it looks great. Mom got a treadmill and I almost keeled over on it the other night. I was goofing around with Jenna and she set the speed really high and I lost my sandal and almost fell off backwards into the closet, which has mirrors for doors. Boy did she feel bad after that! Damn sister...trying to kill me on my first night =)
It felt like the National Lampoons go to graduation today as my crabby grandma, aunt, dad, and Lisa, were all freaking out about how/when we were going to get there, etc. I drove with my brothers in Donny's hoopdee and sat in the back while the boys both eyed all the tail in the SMALL ASS town of Oconomowoc. I learned a new sexual term from my brothers to my dismay, which I quickly forgot, but still have the lasting impression of Doug going, "You know, 2 in the pink, 1 in the stink." I am still traumatized. Gross. I can handle a lot of stuff, but I swear I blushed hearing them talk about that.
We ate dinner, watched my brother's football DVD - He got 8th in state! My family brags that he's the second fastest white kid in WI. When we gasp at the possible racist comment we just heard, we are given the, "What? It's a compliment. White kids can't jump. Or run." Oh-Kay.
Played pounce. My ass came in second. I was winning most of the way. Damnit. Went over to my Dad's neighbor's house to have a beer at someone's graduation party. They threatened to take him out by his ears if he didn't come. So we came over. No one knew who the fuck Doug and I were. My Dad was like, "These are my kids! From my first marriage." Donny introduced me as the sister that was not made up. I do exist. They all called Donny and my dad "Beattie" and were pretty damn funny, but it was weird watching them all co-exist in a world I totally didn't belong in. Regardless, it felt good to say I didn't live there and leave after drinking their beer.
Donny proceeded to tell dad that he was going to go drink some pepsi at the rest of the grad parties and that he was really good at drinking half barrels of pepsi, but it's tricky to do the head stands due to the carbonation.
He denied my offer to prove his mad pepsi drinking skills by shotgunning a pepsi on the spot.
The end of my long WI-updating ramblings. There will be more.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Here's my update, bitches

flipped_77: oops
flipped_77: hello here
flipped_77: the angle from my nighmare
flipped_77: fuckin' blink 182
joyjoydc was invited to view your webcam. [9:29:29 PM]
flipped_77: why do you have to be drunk to hang out with me?
flipped_77: bastard
joyjoydc: um.
joyjoydc: cause i like being drunk
flipped_77: haha
joyjoydc: TOO much going on
flipped_77: oh ok
flipped_77: what's goin' on
joyjoydc: i cant handle it and want a drink
joyjoydc: i am talking to two people and its too much
flipped_77: oh i thought you meant right at this moment.. with me
vid and all
flipped_77: oh i was right
flipped_77: so do i look like a pedophile?
flipped_77: with the facial hair and all
joyjoydc: ah!
joyjoydc: too much going on, my comp cant handle it
flipped_77: i'm pretty when you're drunk
joyjoydc: it started freaking out and.
joyjoydc: wow, i almost said thank you
flipped_77: your comp can't handle deez
joyjoydc: i thought you said that i was pretty when you were drunkj
flipped_77: no.. i don't think you were ever drunk on cu
flipped_77: but you're pretty when you're sober
joyjoydc: um. no i wasnt
joyjoydc: ooooh
joyjoydc: you are drinkin shit water
joyjoydc: fyi
flipped_77: no
flipped_77: it's not
joyjoydc: YEAH
joyjoydc: it is
flipped_77: Evian is
joyjoydc: NO
flipped_77: yeah that shit tastes bad
joyjoydc: you look hispanic
joyjoydc: ?flipped_77: well duh, i'm half columbian
joyjoydc: ?
joyjoydc: huh>
flipped_77: I'm half Columbian, half Flip
joyjoydc: i thought you were asian
joyjoydc: i am so kiddin, you jack ass
joyjoydc: i know
joyjoydc: my head is spinning
flipped_77: well i dont think "Asian" is the group i have to circle now
scantrons.. I think it's "Pacific Islander".
joyjoydc: i think i a going to g dirnk
flipped_77: haha to cure the spins
flipped_77: ?
joyjoydc: um. im not spelling wron
joyjoydc: g
joyjoydc: it's my comp
flipped_77: hahaha
joyjoydc: it keeps freezing and the words dont come together
flipped_77: sure it is.. yeah you SHOULD save this.. it's brilliant
flipped_77: i'm going to smoke while you go and drink hows that?
joyjoydc: save what?
joyjoydc: oh for my blog
joyjoydc: yeah
flipped_77: cuz i need to get a corona anyway
joyjoydc: dammit
joyjoydc: you get your piss water
flipped_77: no
flipped_77: corona
joyjoydc: and i'll concoct a great
joyjoydc: drink
flipped_77: ok
joyjoydc: and we'll compare
flipped_77: concock and shit
joyjoydc: you are half spaniard so go for it
joyjoydc: oh wait. mexicano
flipped_77: haha i don't know what my ethnicity has to do with me
joyjoydc: i cant find the x key
flipped_77: you did
joyjoydc: i know
joyjoydc: i had to delete the v key
flipped_77: so you're lying
flipped_77: haha
joyjoydc: first
joyjoydc: u suck
joyjoydc: i have corona down stairs too
flipped_77: only on nipples
flipped_77: oh.. and female ones
joyjoydc: i have nipples. huh?
joyjoydc: hahahaha. i just read the "U suck"
joyjoydc: part.
flipped_77: yeah, which reminds me.. does the jewelry get in the way?
joyjoydc: um. i only have one now
joyjoydc: i like it
flipped_77: i don't know how big they are
flipped_77: oh
flipped_77: you lost a nipple??
joyjoydc: i wish i had two
flipped_77: me too
joyjoydc: i just saw your face (it was aweful)
joyjoydc: my nipples dont look that bad
flipped_77: that would be freaky humpin' a chick with 1 nipple
joyjoydc: freaky for one, not for three?
flipped_77: then again it would be easier for which one to suck on
flipped_77: choosing i mean
joyjoydc: how weirded out would you be, if you pierced nips and someone
in and wanted the third one done.
joyjoydc: and that was all?
flipped_77: shit.. go drink
flipped_77: i'm going to smoke
joyjoydc: or if someone had two and wanted a disct on the third?
flipped_77: OH
flipped_77: before you get too drunk
joyjoydc: u bored already?
flipped_77: i need to send you something
joyjoydc: what?
flipped_77: the reason i messaged you..i didn't know if i had sent my
design to you yet
flipped_77: i don't think you'll like it though
joyjoydc: hmmmm. we should just call each other first
joyjoydc: you can drink
flipped_77: it's pretty abstract
joyjoydc: andi can smoke
joyjoydc: and talk
flipped_77: hold up
flipped_77: lemme smoke cuz i have to do it outside and my phone
have good signal out there
joyjoydc: ;AHAHAHHAH.
joyjoydc: wait
flipped_77: shh
flipped_77: what
joyjoydc: i just got a messagejoyjoydc: from yahoo
flipped_77: was it me?
flipped_77: what'd i say?
joyjoydc: it sai i cant send 3 messages every SECOND
flipped_77: hahaha
joyjoydc: and i have to wait a minute for itto send
joyjoydc: ahahahaha
joyjoydc: ok, go smoke
joyjoydc: i am going to try to send 5 messages in a sec an see
joyjoydc: s
joyjoydc: f
joyjoydc: d
joyjoydc: d
joyjoydc: d
joyjoydc: did it again
flipped_77: haha wtf joy
joyjoydc: ?
joyjoydc: ok
joyjoydc: going to drin know
flipped_77: weird.. i didn't know there were limitations on text
flipped_77: ok going to smoke
joyjoydc: do it to me
flipped_77: ps.. i sent you the tattoo design
joyjoydc: keep hittin enter
flipped_77: hahaha
flipped_77: ok
flipped_77: ok
joyjoydc: howd you send the design?
flipped_77: ok
flipped_77: ok
flipped_77: ok
flipped_77: ok
flipped_77: ok
flipped_77: ok
flipped_77: ok
flipped_77: ok
flipped_77: nope
flipped_77: it's just you gurl
joyjoydc: weird. how come it happens to me
joyjoydc: i tried to save it
flipped_77: i dunno.. i'm smoking.. brb
flipped_77: check your email
flipped_77: this one
joyjoydc: um. unless you set that up for doesnt exist
joyjoydc: but i'm sure they'll LOVE it. going to drink. be right back
flipped_77: what
flipped_77: joy that's the name you're online with now
joyjoydc: and?
flipped_77: joyjoydc
joyjoydc: ?
flipped_77: so you should be able to receive the email
flipped_77: arg
flipped_77: ok
joyjoydc: ARG
flipped_77: well at least it's still the name i gave you
flipped_77: you're so sweet
joyjoydc: i know
joyjoydc: i think about it when i see the stupid "joy castanza" name on
of the messages i get
joyjoydc: i'm like that's so gay. and then i'm like. awe...flipper
joyjoydc: ?
joyjoydc: fuckit. need a drik
flipped_77: pl
flipped_77: ok
flipped_77: haha
flipped_77: brb
flipped_77: hi
flipped_77: did it work?
joyjoydc: ough
joyjoydc: i cant checkemail and type
joyjoydc: and drink
joyjoydc: at the same time
joyjoydc: eeeeew
flipped_77: haha shhh
flipped_77: nuttin' wrong with dis shit
joyjoydc: what did i say it out loud
flipped_77: the eewW?
flipped_77: yeah
flipped_77: you had to type it joy
joyjoydc: EEEEEEEEQ
flipped_77: how does that slip
joyjoydc: Q
joyjoydc: fuck
flipped_77: hshs
joyjoydc: WWWWWW
flipped_77: ops
flipped_77: great.. a couple of geniuses at the keyboard here
flipped_77: neither one of us can fuckin' type
joyjoydc: huh?
joyjoydc: ?
flipped_77: hot in cali
joyjoydc: i am going home on sat
flipped_77: hold on
joyjoydc: i cant wait
joyjoydc: hold onto what
flipped_77: i dunno but i just opened the windorw
joyjoydc: mmmk
flipped_77: so what did you make
flipped_77: i made a corona
joyjoydc: i fought with my boss today on email
joyjoydc: so you pissed>
joyjoydc: ?
joyjoydc: i made a sam adams
flipped_77: haha
joyjoydc: i had the choice of corona
joyjoydc: or miller light
joyjoydc: or sam
flipped_77: is it cuz you're white?
joyjoydc: or yeingling
joyjoydc: or guinness
joyjoydc: or rolling
joyjoydc: or
joyjoydc: ir
joyjoydc: or
joyjoydc: liquor
flipped_77: we have Rolling Rock here too.. but it's not mine
flipped_77: it's my roommate's
flipped_77: it feels like my face is greasy
joyjoydc: well. i have been drinking coronona a lot lately. but i got
poisoning really bad 2 weeks ago and i had corona with my food
joyjoydc: so....i cant drink it
joyjoydc: we share everything here
joyjoydc: but each other
joyjoydc: i didnt buy this sam
flipped_77: hahaha
joyjoydc: but i'll fucking drink it
flipped_77: you're still pretty funny
flipped_77: i'm glad to hear it
joyjoydc: as opposed to when?
joyjoydc: i am ALWAYS
joyjoydc: funny
flipped_77: well you never lost your humor appeal
flipped_77: that's why we got/get along so well
joyjoydc: i went out with my best friend tonight (cause she's sad i'll
gone a week)
joyjoydc: and i was all surprised, it felt like a date
joyjoydc: and i went out and we got a glass of wine
joyjoydc: and then sat down to dinner. the dude asked for my id (we had
glass of wine in front of us)
joyjoydc: i fucking didnt have it
joyjoydc: i felt SO underage
flipped_77: haha
joyjoydc: it was hilarious
joyjoydc: he gave us the bottle anyway
flipped_77: not to me he wouldn't
joyjoydc: so you have. ough. sam sucks
joyjoydc: you have never had grand marnier
joyjoydc: ?
flipped_77: no i dont even know what that is
joyjoydc: i flashed him a boobie
joyjoydc: only one
flipped_77: mus be an east coast thing
flipped_77: what?
flipped_77: who?
joyjoydc: huh?
joyjoydc: want to hear sometihng funy
flipped_77: who did you flash a boobie
joyjoydc: so
flipped_77: what?
flipped_77: you lost me
joyjoydc: my mom always yelled at us growing up about leaving empty
paper rolls on the spindle wht the fuck you call it thing in the wall
on the
joyjoydc: right
joyjoydc: and so i am in the bathroom at the rest. and the toilet paper
holder has a carton
flipped_77: hahaha
joyjoydc: ASSHOLE
flipped_77: wtf
joyjoydc: and
joyjoydc: i am like. gee. there is no tp on this holder
joyjoydc: and i refill it
joyjoydc: i WONT refill it at home
joyjoydc: or at MY home
joyjoydc: but do it at a rest. i wont be back to in months
joyjoydc: um. i am so alone
joyjoydc: except for sam
joyjoydc: dude, cheech, you there?
flipped_77: check your email
joyjoydc: i did, i got some jack shit
joyjoydc: from aol
joyjoydc: princess

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